Last Updated on Feb 18, 2020 by James W

Making money online is what everybody that uses the internet dreams of. This is why so many means of making money on the internet has become so competitive. Forex trading started way back in the early years of the internet and those that were smart enough to tap from it have made it big.

Now, the thing everyone is talking about is blogging. Blogging did not start as it is today. It started from being an online diary where people could share important things about themselves with each other, but now it’s a universal way people can make money on the internet. If you are blogging today, it’s either for one of two things: to make money online or to advertise your business.

Rather than focus on both ways one can benefit from blogging, this article will be focusing on how to make money blogging.

Email Marketing

One of the most supportive tools bloggers use is email. Whether you like it or not, email is and will continue to be the best medium of reaching out to people. With email marketing, a blogger can make money by marketing his products or products he recommends to his readers that have subscribed to join his mailing-list, so that when the readers decide to buy his products he makes money from what he sells to them or when they buy the product he recommends he gets a commission from the product owner.

Email marketing works well and as a blogger you should have an email list whether you want to use it to make money for yourself or you want to use it to market your blog.

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Offering Services

Another way one can make money as a blogger is by offering your services to people. This is now the most popular way bloggers use to make money nowadays. Most bloggers offer writing services to their clients as freelance writers and content producers. If you are a graphics design blogger, you can also render services to people who need help with coming up with designs for their websites or blogs.

How do you get people to know what type of services you render?

This is the essence of promoting your blog and getting it to rank well on Google for terms associated with the type of services you render. You should also create a “Hire Me??? page, very important – because there’s NO how you expect someone who is just visiting your site to know about the services you render if you do not introduce it to them.

Displaying Ads and Affiliate Marketing

Ads and affiliates are also great ways you can make money as a blogger. If your blog is one that is highly trafficked, now might be the best time to monetize it by introducing your blog to advertisers and becoming an affiliate marketer for other companies/people that want to promote their goods/services on your blog.


Blogging is a very lucrative way of making money online today, and you should start blogging right away so that you can become really relevant on the internet.

Author Bio
Alan Rita is a professional blogger and freelance writer, she is currently working with payday loans online, a site that offers instant loans.

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Founder and chief editor of Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Tech and SEO geek. Started this blog in 2011 to help others learn how to work from home, make money online or anything related to business and finances. You can contact me at