Last Updated on Apr 8, 2020 by James W

Not that long ago, a daily to-do list was usually scrawled on a piece of paper or back of an envelope, and each item would be crossed off as it was finished. While looking at the list might have provided some form of motivation, that was as far as it went.

Now, thanks to the proliferation of some pretty nifty technology, your to-do list can help organize and manage your time while letting you get through your daily list of tasks and responsibilities. For example, check out the following ways that tech can help you dominate your to-do list:

Your Smartphone

As you probably know quite well, a to-do list is constantly changing as new thoughts and projects come into your workday. To help keep on top of your evolving list, embrace technology that can help with capturing your thoughts, goals and more throughout the day. A great way to do this is with a state-of-the-art smartphone, like the Apple iPhone 7. The iPhone 7 features Siri, the intelligent assistant who can easily add tasks to your native Reminders app, as well as ideas into the Notes app. The iPhone 7 has outstanding connectivity, and can sync with USB, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and more. As a bonus, T-Mobile has a number of great plans for the iPhone 7; if you are ready to upgrade to this smartphone, they are currently running a deal where you can buy a new iPhone and an iPhone SE and get $400 back through a prepaid card; this is like getting the iPhone SE for free.

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EverNote takes the concept of managing your many tasks and raises it to the next level by keeping track of all of the other things in life that you need to keep tabs on. You can use the app to create a project to-do list, which is great for your work-related tasks. You can also use EverNote to jot down a note to yourself about your son’s piano lesson and your daughter’s soccer practice, and that you need to remember to get your tires rotated in the next couple of days. Once you capture your note in EverNote, it will be accessible on all of your devices, so if you grab your tablet on the way to the office, your list and notes will be there, even if you created them on your phone. The free app is compatible with a number of devices and you can share your lists with others, depending on what you wish to do.

Android Wear

Smartwatches are getting a lot of positive attention lately for their ability to help with productivity, especially with to-do lists. While the Apple Watch may seem to dominate ads, the Android Wear devices, which start at a more affordable $200, offer you an easy to use and access piece of technology that responds to your voice. You can set up reminders on your Android Wear device to help keep you on track throughout the day, and as you complete each item you don’t have to drag your smartphone or tablet out and unlock it to access the app — you merely need to look at your wrist to check off or postpone each item.

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