Last Updated on Mar 12, 2020 by James W


Has it ever happen to you to forget some of the most important things in your life? Are you feeling guilty everytime it happens? Well, I know how it feels and I really faced major drawbacks of such things. In case you want to stop such an annoying thing from happening, make sure to stick with us and keep an eye onto the following lines to find out 5 best ways to never forget a thing – and I mean it! Organising yourself is the key to success, but keeping up with the small steps is utterly important those days.


Something everyone should have, post-its are not only material, something that can be touched and taken with but also super affordable! Less than $2, you can have them sticky all over you, giving you the possibility to never miss a thing. Place them upon your laptop, on your agenda, forehead, office, everywhere you need in order to live peacefully and always time-wise. It is neither hard, nor expensive for you to join the club!


Probably the easiest way to never miss a thing when being extremely busy, the alarm reminders are always there to help us. Whether scheduling it on your phone, iPad or laptop, you will always have someone to beat your back when in need. By the same token, it is affordable (since it comes together with a phone which is, as far as I am concerned, a must have!).


Scheduling your calendar with some time ahead is a real smart idea to keep in mind. Not only will you be able to make 100 things with little effort, but also do all 100 than 50. Having scheduled a calendar beforehand helps you know what the next step is, see where you can add some fun and probably, your next vacation! It is a real thing to do, since the free time you might have now could be used more wisely in two weeks from now, on another target!

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And I am not kidding! Our mothers are our best reminders for important things. Don’t you find it peculiar yet useful when your mother knows every birthday, every important thing, when you should do a thing or another? Well, I know mine does and that is what I love most about her. She always takes care of the things I might not be able to!


Article writer, life lover, knowledge developer and owner at