Last Updated on Dec 20, 2019 by James W

There’s no denying that financial cybercrime is on the rise, especially with more businesses and money than ever before making their way from users and customers to websites and businesses. Hackers and online users with malicious intent are smarter than ever before, as are the techniques they’re using to commit online fraud.

This is why it’s so important as a business owner to make sure you’re following the best business practices that will help you keep online fraud at bay around your business. Not sure how? Today, we’re going to explore the five practices you need to know in order to prevent online fraud affecting you and your customers.

#1 – Keep Everything Updated

The software you use on your website and computer are not just designed to bring you new features and new levels of functionality to your website and services, but will, in fact, be designed to fix bugs and apply patches to help improve security.

New updates will always have problems, especially larger updates, and hackers will tirelessly try to exploit them. However, once discovered, an update will fix them, so without updating your technology, you’re living yourself vulnerable.

#2 – Use Security Technology

There’s a plethora of anti-virus and security software out there, so it’s vital that you’re using it on your computer and your networks to help protect you from potential hacks and online fraud attempts.

#3 – Use Encryption Services

It should go without saying just how important encryption services are when it comes to protecting you and your customer’s data from those with malicious intent. Leading encryption services can help you encrypt all the data surrounding your website, as well as online services like cloud storage, your files, and your folders.

#4 – Invest in Training

Whether you’re educating yourself on the latest ways to protect yourself from the dangers online, or you’re investing in ways for your staff and employees to stay mindful and protect themselves, investing in up-to-date learning materials is such an important way to keep ahead of the dangers.

With everybody aware of the dangers, the safety measures and how to prevent attacks, the risk of online fraud affecting you or your business is completely minimized, and you’re sure to find safety for both you and your customers.

#5 – Use Verification Services

You’ve probably noticed verification services becoming increasingly implemented into businesses and online services to help keep everyone protected, especially monetary and data services; financial services will benefit from Netverify; a leading verification platform.

From logging in and then sending an SMS or notification to your phone to confirm log-ins, or using PIN codes, using a verification service is a great way to protect yourself from online fraud.


As you can see, there are lots of ways in which you can protect your business and your customers from the dangers of online fraud. This is such an important topic to think about because you don’t want to break trust in your customers or ruin your business in a way you can’t recover from.

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Founder and chief editor of Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Tech and SEO geek. Started this blog in 2011 to help others learn how to work from home, make money online or anything related to business and finances. You can contact me at