Last Updated on Mar 12, 2020 by James W

Did you know that you only have less than 10 seconds to attract people’s attention with your blog headline? In other words, you only have a very short time to motivate people to start reading your blog content, and you have to use this short time period to your advantage. If you put a wrong headline into your content, you will likely never attract any readers to it. So, writing the right headline for your blog is the best thing you can do to make people want to read your content. Here are 5 smart blog headlines that will force your blog visitors to read your content:

  1. Breaking News Headline

People like to read about the latest news about your niche. Whatever niche that you are in, people will always appreciate your blog if you can give them the latest information regarding your niche. Your blog should become a blog that always delivers breaking news headlines, because this type of headline is what people will respond well to. That’s why news websites are getting lots of traffic all the time. Breaking news headline will always create curiosity in your audience’s mind and a sense of alertness that will make them want to read your content right away.

  1. Mind-Boggling Question Headline

Human mind responds well to questions, especially unanswered questions. If your content seem to be able to answer their difficult questions, then you’ll easily win your audience’s attention with it. If you put a big question in your headline and determine to answer that question in your content, then, your audience will rush to read it. Why? That’s because this type of headline will give a sense of relief for your audience and make them eager to learn more. That’s how you can make people want to read your content quickly if you put big question in your headline.

  1. List And How-To Headline
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List and how-to headlines are the classic type of headline that will naturally attract people’s attention quickly. People like to read list posts in your blog, as well as how-to post that will give simple steps to do anything. Why are list and how-to headlines very popular? That’s because they are easy and interesting to read. With lists, subheadings, and bullet points, your post will look easy to skim or read through. Moreover, if the information that you give to your audience is valuable enough, people will not hesitate to read as many list and how-to posts as you have.

  1. Opinion And Personal Experience Headline

People will always try to look for different perspective about something. If most people tell you that something is bad, and you think that it is good, then people will want to know more about your point of view. That’s why opinion and personal experience headline can help you to attract people’s attention quickly. It’s simply because of the uniqueness that it brings. However, this headline will work best if you’ve already established good reputation within your niche.

  1. Reason And Myth-Busting Headline

It is always interesting for many people to read about why they should do something or to learn about how to bust some common myths about something. That’s why you can use reason and myth-busting headline as a strong headline for your blog content. People want to know the reason behind anything that they do, and they want to learn about how they can oppose the common established belief about something. So, this type of headline will help to attract lots of attention toward your blog. You should use it often.

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Those are the types of headlines that will help you to attract more traffic to your blog. Use those headlines often, and you’ll be able to build a strong reader base for your blog.


Article writer, life lover, knowledge developer and owner at