Last Updated on Feb 27, 2020 by James W

When you want to make money on the internet, copywriting is a great skill that can help all the way.

Copywriters write to persuade potential buyers that a particular product or service is right for them. There might be alternative solutions, but the one you recommend must break even. That’s why writing an effective sales letter is vital.

So, how do you write a sales letter that convert prospects into buyers? You’ll need to examine the five steps below:

1.   Write catchy headline

write sales letter

Without a catchy headline, your sales letter will not be read. And that’s the first assignment every copywriter does.

Make it simple by using the primary keyword you’re targeting. For instance, if the product is about best lingerie, underwear or swimwear, you’ll need to filter some words before using them.

The headline isn’t a place to showcase your products or sell yourself short – it’s for attracting the reader into the main copy.

Usually, the headline would be BIGGER than every other text in the sales letter page. This can make it stick out as a brand of its own – which can contribute to your sales letter’s success.

2.    Use subheads to enhance the headline

Earlier, I advised that you be mindful of words when writing a sales copy. The subhead is there to enhance the headline and give it the personality feel and voice. In fact, when you write a copy, there should be more than one subhead.

One should come immediately after the headline – before your personal photo if you deemed it fit to use it. Subheads mustn’t be left out. They can be tricky at times, especially when the headline itself is vague and doesn’t capture reader’s mind.

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You’ll need to mention the features of your product/service on any of the subheads. Now let’s talk about benefits…

3.   Highlight your product’s strongest benefit

The first thing you must do when highlighting the benefits of your product is to use the strongest. Don’t start off with a weak benefit because no one would connect with it. That is why studying your audience to know what piques their mind is vital.

Hook potential buyers with the benefit that solves their problems.

For instance, if someone wants to smell decently throughout the day, let them know that your fragrance has lovely concentration of oil (juice) that suits the body and eliminate every trace of body odor very quickly.

4.   Create strong interest for your product

Before you can ask people to buy the product you’re selling, there must be a strong interest – which you should create before they finish scrolling down.

Highlighting the strongest benefits and using emotional triggers that speaks directly to the mind can be very effective.

Don’t complicate matters by telling irrelevant stories. Stay within the line and do justice to the product or service you’re recommending.

People have problems in their lives and expect you to help them with helpful answers. If you can do this, then it’s time to make money with your product.

5.   Call to action

And finally, call to action is a MUST if you must sell the product. It’s funny because most sales letters that I’ve read in the past few months were well written, but the call to action was confusing. I didn’t know how or where to place order for the product, which I believe could solve my problem.

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This experience thought me a lesson. If you got someone to click the headline, read the first paragraph, you can’t afford to lose them to competitors due to your negligence or inefficient call to action.

To fix call to action errors, be realistic when you ask people to take a walk. If you want to make a sale, simply ask people to click and buy. If email subscribers is what you need, don’t even worry about sales for now – concentrate on building your email list. For more lessons on sales letter writing, see my men’s sleepwear site.

Take action on these five steps and share your success story. See you at the top!


Article writer, life lover, knowledge developer and owner at