Last Updated on Feb 28, 2020 by James W


I know that you maybe just lost your day job and your month to month secure income and now you’re trying to make money online. You probably need it fast, you need your online income to replace your 9 to 5 full time income.  And you’re not sure where to start and if it’s even possible to work from home, it is possible, but it also requires a hard work.Trust me, you can make even more than at your day job, and you don’t need a website or blog, if you want to have one, it’s ok, but it’s not necessary.

But if you want to make money online without hard work and thinking outside the box, I need to tell you on the spot, please close this page and don’t read any further, because you’re probably comfortable right there were you’re reading this from.

Making money online requires dedication, patience and sometimes it doesn’t requires money at all, you just need your laptop and internet connection. Yes it can be time consuming, but that’s the life, if you don’t have money to invest, you need to invest your time.

You have probably saved some money on the side, while working at your 9 to 5 job and receiving full time income, maybe you don’t have time to test opportunities online and I understand you completely, you have bills to pay.

I pay my bills too and I pay them with my online income, many people don’t understand that, and when I try to charge extra for my services, they ask me WHY. And you need to realize the same thing, if you want to make money online, and if you’re looking to replace your full time income, there needs to be some sacrifice and you need to know your worth.

Read more
Is It Really Possible to Make Money at Home? 

You need to take your online business seriously and with patience, if I would lets say loose my job today, this is what would I do tomorrow or right after I get home, and you can do this too, it will help you to start making money online immediately after you loose your day job.

Look What You Know to do Best

There must be something you’re good at, everyone is, if you are the exception and you don’t have the area of expertise, it’s ok. You can always sell things and work for other people, but online.

Why I mentioned this thing? Because you can monetize your expertise and your experience you got while working at 9 to 5 job. You can sell it, use it to make money on a daily basis, etc…

This is the priority, i get tons of emails every month, asking me how to make money online after loosing their job, and I always reply with, what you can do best, if you’re good at something, start from that.

Connect With Online Businesses and Like-Minded People

Search online for job titles and positions you worked at your day job, maybe there is a website that can hire you to work from home, you can help them with running their businesses. Use linkedin to create your profile and connect with like-minded people, you will be amazed how fast you can find your new job.

If you worked like an accountant, search for online businesses doing just that, email them, share your story and profile with them. Maybe yo ucan get a freelance contract or even a dull time job, maybe you can work from home or even in their offices.

Read more Review How I made 43 Dollars in 7 Days

Many online writers for example do just that, they write for a lot of websites and blogs on a daily basis, and they make more than they did at their offline jobs.

Invest Small amount of Time or maybe even Money

You don’t need to loose your whole day or even a month to make money online, invest a week, see how it goes, if it shows profitable, then invest money. And it doesn’t need to be a lot, you just need couple of dollars, pounds or whatever currency you use to buy hosting and domain.

Why you need all this, well to create your own place where people can see your skills or even buy your products. And if you don’t want or don’t have a couple of dollars to invest, use FREE stuff, internet is full of resources, just add word “free” in search engine and create your online presentation.

Leverage The Power of the Internet

Internet is very very powerful, you can ask it to help you and fulfill your dreams, but you need to give something in return. And you can choose what it will be. In my case it’s writing and experience, but I plan to give even more in the future.

Use places like forums and blogs to ask people to check out your services and products, if you want to replace income from your day job you need to become a competition. For Who? For your old work position of course, everything you did behind your desk at your day job, you can do online too, and even more. You’re not constantly criticized or monitored, and you have a chance to prove yourself, you have a chance for a promotion and even to be your own boss and CEO.

Read more
Ways To Earn Extra Money At Home

Be Careful 

And last but not least, be careful and don’t buy dreams other people are selling for big bucks, no one is  giving money away for nothing. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably because it is. Forget about spending your money on different get rich quick schemes, because the time you are going to spend on them you can start real business and make money even quicker without loosing your reputation.

And remember, you can look for honest job online and make money really fast, just make sure to sell more than you buy. Thank you for reading till the end and I wish you all the best in the life, try out to work online, Internet is here to stay.

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Founder and chief editor of Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Tech and SEO geek. Started this blog in 2011 to help others learn how to work from home, make money online or anything related to business and finances. You can contact me at