Last Updated on Mar 30, 2020 by James W

Investing is very wise if you want to make some money that will make your future a little more comfortable. Let this beginner’s guide help you get started.

How Should You Invest?

Investing is all about strategy and timing. These are things that you will pick up over time as your investing skills develop. There are a few basic tips that you can make use of to ensure you don’t make too many of those common mistakes that beginners often make. For example, you should always be looking to diversify and spread your investments. This means that if one company, or one industry, suffers serious losses to its share price, you will be able to survive. This is because you will have other investments that are not affected by those losses. It basically means that you are not putting all your eggs in one basket.

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How Do You Make Money?

There are two main ways in which investors make their money. First of all, they can make money by selling their shares for more than they bought them for. This is the most basic aim of investing in stocks and shares. It’s not the only way investors can make money though. The other way is through dividends. A dividend is a sum of money that a successful businesses pay out to its shareholders. The amount and timing of these dividends are decided by the board of directors usually. The better the business does the bigger the dividend. Visit to find out more about dividends.

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How Much of a Risk Should You Take?

If you can’t stand the idea of taking risks at all, then this is probably not the move that is best for you. Investing is always inherently risky. There are different levels of risk that can be taken though. And there are things you can do to lower the risk you take. For example, you can invest in a managed fund. This is a type of investment that allows you to take a hands-off approach. Instead of you managing the investment you make, you simply put your money into it and allow a pro to manage it. This means that you can be sure that the decisions being made with regards to your investment are being made by an informed individual.

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What Are Your Rights?

When you invest your money into a business, they have to follow certain regulations under the law. You get a lot of protection. And if you’re not happy about how the company treats you, you can make a complaint to the Financial Conduct Authority. There is a risk of the business going bust that you have to take into consideration as well. This can be a disaster, and your money will simply disappear along with the business. There are compensation schemes designed to compensate investors for the money they lose in those kinds of situations. These are only found in certain countries though. Go to to discover more about invest rights


Founder and chief editor of Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Tech and SEO geek. Started this blog in 2011 to help others learn how to work from home, make money online or anything related to business and finances. You can contact me at