Last Updated on Feb 28, 2020 by James W
Is your bank account looking worse for wear? You don’t have to go on an austerity stint to get your finances back on track. Here are some great tips for avoiding fiscal catastrophe in the future.
Be Your Own Breadwinner
We would like to think that women have moved far enough away from the 1920s mentality by now to know that they shouldn’t rely on a man/woman to pay their bills. Unfortunately, this doesn’t seem to be the case. It’s likely that you, or someone you know, relies on their partner to pay the rent. It’s a vulnerable position to find yourself in.
Ladies, get financial independence now! Without stating the obvious, relationships (however star-struck they may seem to be at first) often turn sour, and many people in financial dependency find themselves in an impossible fiscal situation. The housewife era is dead. Take back the power and win your own bread.
Invest In Real Estate
It’s a huge financial leap, but if you have the savings put aside to invest in real estate, go for it now and start taking in tenants. The steady trickle of rent money will slowly but surely pay for your initial investment, and then it’s profit city.
Downsize Your Life
Do you live in an apartment or building that you could potentially downsize? Selling off premium property for a smaller place or a cheaper location will open up your disposable income. Big is not always better.
Know how much is going into and leaving your bank. If you’re spending more than you’re earning, you need to make some drastic changes now. Once you’ve made a money-saving plan, you’ll feel like you’re on top of your finances, which is where you should be.
Small Savings, Big Results
You don’t need to make big adjustments to your lifestyle. Small changes go a long way. Instead of turning up the heat at home, get in your onesie and slippers to keep warm. Turn lights off when you’re out of the room. Cook from scratch. Grow your own veg. There are so many ways you can save money, so brainstorm how you can make these little adaptations around your home.
Make Yourself a Little Nest Egg
Everyone should have 3 to 6 months of their income saved as an emergency fund. Losing your job could leave you without the means to pay for your home and bills. You never know what’s waiting for you around the corner. Make sure you’re financially prepared before it happens.
Cash-In On Crafts
If you don’t know a craft, learn one. They make for a great hobby and can earn you a little cash on the side, if you sell your wares on Folksy.In fact, if your skills are transferable, turn them into a money-maker. Can you play the piano like a pro? Teach people’s kids after work for cash.
Charity Shopping
Why buy glasses, plates, and decorations brand new when you can get a retro champagne flute for 50p at your local charity shop? Think about it. It makes sense. Go second hand or go home.
Author Bio:
Ava is a frugal, online journalist, writing on behalf of Pearl and Butler –visit for high quality costume jewellery that will suit any budget.