Last Updated on Mar 23, 2020 by James W

No matter what your new business does to create profit, you will have to look towards hiring staff at some point in the future. That can be a terribly worrying time because you know the amount of hassle you might encounter if you get it wrong. We’ve come up with some killer tips that should help you to avoid any major mistakes. Just remember that you don’t have to offer someone a full-time job straight away. It makes more sense to give them a temporary three-month contract and then see how they performed at the end of that term. If they didn’t go above and beyond for your brand, you could get rid of them without fear of reprisal. The guide below should help you to get things right.

Advertise the positions on social media

We are living in the digital age, and so there is no reason for you to advertise a position at your local welfare office. Placing your ad on social media and specialist online job boards will ensure you get the best possible response. Just be aware that a lot of people are looking for work at the current time, and so you might find yourself inundated with applications. However, it’s better to have too many candidates than not enough. After a week or so of advertising, you can take the jobs down and start working on the applications you have received.

Design a smart interview process

You will almost certainly have a tight budget when it comes to paying for staff. So, you need the best people for the job. Asking the same old boring interview questions will mean you never learn anything about prospective employees. They will all say they work well on their own or part of a team, and lots of other overused statements. The trouble is that they don’t mean anything. Considering that, you need to design a smart interview process that will push your candidates and help you to learn a little more about them.

Read more
How To Get The Best Out Of Your Employees: Leadership Training For Beginners

Watch them closely for the first three months

The last thing you want to do is give a permanent contract to someone who is unsuitable for your business. So, you need to watch all employees closely as they make their way through the three-month temporary stage. You can do that by checking their internet history, using phone recording devices, and keeping an eye on their productivity. So long as you are happy with the way in which your new team member is progressing, you will feel more confident when it comes to offering a full-time position.

We hope you manage to recruit the best staff in the near future, and that you never have to design a disciplinary process for dealing with less than enthusiastic team members. While we all agree that workers rights are a good thing, some employees will try to exploit your good nature and take you for a ride. You can never let that happen if you want your company to become a major player in your industry.


Founder and chief editor of Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Tech and SEO geek. Started this blog in 2011 to help others learn how to work from home, make money online or anything related to business and finances. You can contact me at