Last Updated on Apr 8, 2020 by James W

Any entrepreneur will know that their money-making skills lies in the ability to create money out of nothing. The other thing entrepreneurs know is that the costs associated with running a business easily erode the revenue and profits that you would expect to be making. There are several silent, yet costly giants that can curb your business’s revenue growth without even realising it. One of the biggest culprits are printers.

A poor printing setup can easily cost your organisation more money than it should. Printing experts Cartridges Direct help business owners optimise their printing setups so that they get the most cost-effective setup for their operations. Here’s a few tips from their consultants.

Choose the right printer from the outset.

Many business owners choose their printer setup in the wrong way from the outset. This causes them to spend more on ink cartridge replacements, paper, printer repairs and even replacing the printer itself. Prior to purchasing a printer, assess the printing requirements within your organisation and then select a printer that will best fit those requirements.

Some of the things that you should assess include the following.

The estimated amount of printed sheets.

This is a crucial factor as it will affect the value that you will get per print over the long-term. Choose a printer that is too small and you will be replacing your ink cartridges regularly.

Choosing a printer that can produce a large capacity of prints will allow you to get a better value per printed page. However, if your organisation overcompensates for the amount of prints that your organisation needs, the ink cartridges that you purchase for the printer may expire.

Workout how much of the work will be done via wireless or virtual storage.

Organisations still use print, but many of the items that would have been printed and stored as a hard copy in the past are now being stored and saved in a digital format. It’s likely that the printer your organisation needs to invest in will be a multi-function device, with storage units for USB keys, SD cards, MicroSD cards and Bluetooth devices.

A poor printing setup will cost you more in productivity.

How many times have you seen a business grind to a halt due to their printer not working? The lost hours of productivity and the quality of the work being produced can cost the business several thousands of dollars over the long-term.

Printers that frequently get paper jams render a machine that costs hundreds or thousands of dollars useless. It also costs more to call in an expert to do the repairs.

Think about the potential environmental costs that your printing setup will have.

Most printers come with an option when it is left on, but is in an idle state. This will minimise the power consumption from the printer. Additionally, will other things with your printing setup such as the suppliers of your printer cartridges provide your organisation with a practical process that will minimise the chances of your organisation’s used ink cartridges ending up in landfill? Cartridges Direct offers this service in conjunction with Cartridges 4 Planet Ark.

Investing in a sustainable option can save your organisation money and help to save the environment.

Don’t do the following with any printer that you own.

Many business owners try to save costs by investing in ink refills. Although they are a cheaper alternative at face value, they can actually cost you more in the long-term. This is because the ink refills can void any warranty that you have with your printer and also contribute towards damaging the printer. Thus, costing you more in repairs. You can click here to learn more about the benefits of genuine ink cartridges.

Take a note from the experts and see how you can improve the printing setup in your organisation.

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Founder and chief editor of Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Tech and SEO geek. Started this blog in 2011 to help others learn how to work from home, make money online or anything related to business and finances. You can contact me at