Last Updated on Mar 25, 2020 by James W


At some point in your business life, you will need to consider outsourcing. If you are a sole trader or run a small to medium company, there will be certain activities that act as a time drain on you or your employees.


Finding a suitable business service that can do those tasks quicker and more effectively will allow you and your team to concentrate on what you all do best. Here are some examples of the areas you should be looking at which often take up a lot of time and effort. And, as everybody knows, in business, time is money.



IT support


If you run a small business and use a network of computers or equipment, then think about finding a good company that can run things for you. We can’t stress enough how much time IT support services will save you – and if you hire the right team you can expect to increase your revenue, too. Of course, if you have the IT skills in place with your team, then you could conceivably carry out the maintenance and updates yourself. But at some, point it’s going to be a necessity to outsource. This is particularly relevant when you want to explore growing your company. With this in mind, it’s never too early to start investigating IT firms who might be suitable to help with your transition.




While we’re on the subject of growth, it’s a good idea to have a look at your marketing efforts. Without marketing, you just aren’t going to reach the audience that you need to grow, and it may be something that your team need help with. A good marketing company will help you reach the right people at the right time, and spread the word about your business. And the more people that know about you, the more sales you will make.

Read more
The Complete Guide To Getting Your Startup Off The Ground


Social media


Social media is a huge time vacuum and takes a lot of effort to get right. If you have a Facebook and Twitter account you have to ask yourself if it is worth leaving it t your marketing team. Why? Well, it’s very hard to get tangible results with social media, and in many cases it just isn’t going to make you any money. Hiring a professional to look after your accounts will free up your time and – most importantly – improve the effectiveness of your social media campaigns.




If you don’t have an accountant, get one. They are more than worth the money because they will save you more than you could if you do your own accounts. Not only that, but they will free up your time. If you want to save money on their time, make sure you keep all of your financial info in good order. It doesn’t take much – just put all of your monthly statements, invoices and receipts in a folder and pass it on to them. They will get things done in a quarter of the time it will take you.


We hope this has helped highlight some areas where outsourcing can really work. Good luck!



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