


There are a lot of things that a person strives to achieve in life, but a comfortable lifestyle and a secure income to fund said lifestyle are often the top of the list for most people. Money may not be the be all and end all of happiness, but without it we cannot afford a comfortable living. This means stress and feelings of depression and anxiety are far more prevalent. No one wants to worry…

Unfortunately, it’s not possible for us to see into the future and prepare ourselves for changing circumstances or difficult events. When something like a redundancy or divorce happens out of the blue, it can often lead to spiraling financial difficulties as a result of struggling to keep on top of regular bills and expenses with a reduced income. Before long, it’s possible to end up in considerable debt and because many people feel there’s a…

Whether you have a health insurance or not, sudden health expenses can hit you when you least expect it. This is why planning for this ahead of time can save you a lot of headaches and make the situation a lot less difficult should it ever occur. In any case, here are a couple of handy tips to help you along the way: Medical bill negotiation While true that the situation may not allow for…

The Prevalence Of Debt Being in debt is a common thing; according to, approximately 80% of Americans are in debt. Essentially, the majority of Americans are technically debt slaves. It’s uncommon to see people who have no debt whatsoever. And because they are debt free, they are able to do things that you aren’t able to due to debt. One: Freedom Of Choice Say you’re in a gas station and you see a candy bar you…

Being able to manage your own money is a key skill. It was taught in the “Richest Man in Babylon”, first published as multiple pamphlets handed out at US banks in the 1930s and later turned into a multi-million selling book. Key ideas like “Start thy purse to fattening” (it was written in old English) encouraged readers to save more and invest carefully with their hard-earned savings or they would be lost. Times Have Changed,…

If you are an entrepreneur or small business owner there are some potential options worth exploring where you might be able to enjoy the win-win of a great family trip that also manages to qualify as a deductible expense. Here’s a look at some of the key points that could allow you to take advantage or at least talk to your accountant about so that you can see what you can and can’t do about…