For most people, cheaper car insurance rates often come down to either paying higher deductibles or opting for lower vehicle insurance coverage. This is not the only thing that affects your car insurance rates. Most people are unaware of this, but there’s more to car insurance rates. Some of these are in your control while the others aren’t. In this article, we will be looking at some of those personal factors that determine whether you…
Properly insuring your home is both an expensive and complicated process, but it doesn’t need to be. Here’s how you can save money on your home insurance. What’s Essential For starters, cutting out any unnecessary policies is the first thing you should do. There are two major types of cover that any homeowner needs: buildings insurance and contents insurance. You’ll need buildings insurance to cover you against any damage to the property–such as major structural…
Ever been confused by the terms, omissions, exclusions and daily charges for car hire insurance? That may not be too surprising given what a minefield the subject might be even for an experienced and well-practiced hire car customer. The good news, however, that a little time spent getting closer to grips with the intricacies of the subject may save you money on the next car hire insurance you arrange. Here are some tips: What’s covered?…
Every business needs to have insurance. That’s a given. And while there are some types of business insurance requirements that are universal, there are also some that are niche or industry specific. In the following paragraphs we’ll teach you about some of the specific types of insurance you might need, depending on what kind of business you run, where you run it, etc. Life Insurance Life insurance is something that many people resist, but it…
Motor insurance for many people may be one of those apparently necessary evils – you might not want to spend the time and money getting it, but the law requires that if you drive a car you need at least the barest minimum level of cover. That’s not to say that there are ways you might ensure to arrange your motor insurance cheaper than you might otherwise pay: the need for comprehensive cover – if…
Have you ever thought that cruise holidays from hell were something that happened to other people and that you were somehow immune? Unfortunately, however, the list of things that might go wrong – from the relatively minor mislaid piece of luggage, to a life-threatening accident or illness – is a risk that any passenger on your cruise may suffer, including yourself. Cruise protection insurance is designed to take the sting out of things going wrong…