Last Updated on Apr 8, 2020 by James W

Financial security is a wonderful thing, but you need more than that to get job satisfaction. If you’re working in a dead-end job, you may feel like you’re stuck in the mud. If there’s no way you can move up the ladder, there’s no way you can challenge yourself. It also means that you can’t grow financially. If you’re someone who aspires to be more, this can be hugely frustrating. However, many people stay dead-end jobs because they’re worried about taking a risk. If you’re fed up of your dead-end job and you’re craving some job satisfaction, here are some tips on breaking free and finding something new.



Before you start looking for a new job, you need to know what you’re capable of. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
What are your skills? There’s no point in applying for a job at the local Zoo if you have no experience working with animals. Write down what you think you’re good at and make a list of jobs you think would suit your skills.

Organize Your Jobs

It’s important to do thorough research into the jobs you find appealing. Look at the jobs on your list and find a job description for each role online. There may be aspects of the job that you won’t like, so it could help you to narrow down what types of jobs you’ll apply for eventually. It’s also worth asking yourself if you’re willing to travel or even move to a different area. You may find a few job types that suit you, but there aren’t many opening for those jobs in your local area. Sometimes, you have to move out of your comfort zones to get what you want, and that includes geographically.


Be Willing to Work

Sometimes, getting out of a dead-end job means having to make a complete career change. To set yourself up financially for the future, you need to be in a job that has prospects. That often means gaining a whole new set of qualifications. Luckily, there are lots of opportunities to gain qualifications online, like
online PhD programs. That means you still support yourself financially by working during the day and studying at night. Once you have the qualifications you need, the world is your oyster.

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Rewrite Your Resume

You’ll want your resume to represent you in the best possible way. After all, your resume is often the first point of contact for employers, so the impression it gives is important. You’ll need to tailor your resume to the type of industry you’re applying for jobs in. Focus on your key accomplishments and skills. Put yourself in the employer’s shoes. What does she/he want to hear from you? Your resume is the best way of getting a foot through the door so don’t rush it. There are plenty of
online tools that can help you if you’re having trouble laying out your resume.

Create Yourself a Brand

These days, an employer may check much more than your resume if they think you could be a good fit for the job. They may look at your social media accounts, LinkedIn profile and many more. So, you have to be conscious of how you’re presenting yourself to others. For example, if you’re still using the same e-mail address that you were when you were eighteen, it could be time for a change. Go for something professional or simple, like kyle.james or kyle1984, as opposed to kylerules. You may also find that linking to job boards via your social media accounts gives you more opportunity to find a role you’re looking for.


Build Contacts

Many professional companies don’t advertise their jobs because they already have people lining the block for their positions. So, how do you find out that jobs are available?
Building contacts is the best way of getting inside knowledge and being the first to know about positions that are opening up. If you’re on friendly terms with a member of staff, they may even be able to put in a good word for you. Make sure you network with people face-to-face and online. Why not look out for any business conventions happening near you?

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Informational Interviews

If you want a job that you enjoy and pays well, you need to know as much about your chosen industry as possible. It can really pay off to contact people who currently work in the job you’d like to do to find out as much information as possible. If you can get first hand advice on how to do the job and what employers are currently looking for, you’ll be in with a better chance of landing the job you want in the future.

Develop Stories That Show Your Skills

Have you ever been stumped by a question in an interview? It’s bad enough feeling like you’re being put on the spot, but when a question that you can’t answer arises, it can send the interview plummeting. So, prepare a few stories that can
demonstrate your skills well. That way, you’ll never be stumped by an interview question and you’ll come across confident and capable. It’s always a good idea to prepare for an interview, no matter how many you go on. Tailor your answers to each company and show that you’ve done your research on the company beforehand.

Write Thank You Notes

Interviewers can see up to twenty different people in a day and may interview for a few days in a row. So, how can you stay in the interviewer’s memory when you’re up against so many other candidates? There could be several of you with the same skills, qualification and experience, so it’s important to stand out. Writing small thank you notes to each of the interviewers is a great way for them to remember you, even if they award the job to someone else.

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Follow Up

You may have to go on a few interviews before you find the job you’re looking for. As long as you learn something from each interview, it doesn’t matter you didn’t get the job. Make sure to contact the hiring manager a few days after interview to get some
feedback on how you did. Professionals will be more than willing to tell you where you could have gone wrong and how you might correct it for future interviews. It’s all knowledge you can use to climb the career ladder.

Don’t Expect Miracles

Finding the perfect job could take longer than you think. If you want better financial prospects and a career where you can grow, you’ll need to be patient. A career change isn’t something that happens overnight. Getting the right qualifications, narrowing down your job role and finding jobs you can apply for is just step one. You’ll then have to impress employers enough for them to give you the job when there are likely many other people applying for the same one. So, don’t get disheartened if it doesn’t happen right away.


Financially Preparing for a New Job

Here are some things you can do to financially prepare for a new career:

Start saving – You’ll never know what could happen when you’re searching for a new career. You may get fed up and quit your current job. You may be used to weekly payments but your new job pays monthly. It’s best to plan for all eventualities.

Invest – Work out how to pay for your new qualifications. Invest money in interview clothing so you present yourself in the best light and feel confident.


Risk – Try your luck and make some calculations using the bet calculator.

You don’t have to stay in a dead-end job. So, start making the changes today!



Founder and chief editor of Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Tech and SEO geek. Started this blog in 2011 to help others learn how to work from home, make money online or anything related to business and finances. You can contact me at