Last Updated on Mar 11, 2020 by James W
When tightening the old financial belt every little thing must be scrutinized. Getting a very clear handle on where the money’s going is the first real step to financial freedom. Then priorities will most likely have to be shifted, with some expenditures moving up the ladder of importance and others falling way until finances improve. A payday loan could provide you with additional funds when you find savings are low and your monthly costs cannot be met, just be sure to check the available rates.
Another way to save money is to look at both short and long-range goals and see how some efforts could possibly be combined in order to save exponentially. For instance: Good health can mean financial savings now and later on in life. Yet gym costs can be exorbitant. Transportation can also be a major monthly expense but what if travel and fitness were combined? Think of the benefits!
Walking briskly is a terrific low-impact form of exercise. It’s also a great way to take some personal time to think about things without interruptions. Add more walking whenever possible. If taking public transport, consider hopping off a few stops early or later in order to get more walking in. Those with autos may want to consider parking a bit further away from one’s destination to get more steps in. If weather is inclement find a large indoor department store or shopping centre and window shop. Just be sure to wear appropriate shoes and also be ware of surroundings at all times because a simple misstep could cause injury. Walking with a friend is also a great way to spend time together and add a safety measure.
Cycling is another great way to lower transportation costs and add health benefits. Granted it will require more concentration than walking does but one’s heart rate can become quite elevated during longer stretches. Using cycles as modes of transportation has become so widely popular that many progressive employers have added bike racks and even showers on-site for cycling employees. Plus cycling helps reduce one’s carbon footprint, so in addition to building health and saving money you can also do a small part to help save the planet.
Gardening can work a variety of muscles that walking and cycling simply do not. Plus when planting fruits and vegetables the harvest can help improve health and save money by growing such good quality foods at home. For those low on space remember container gardening can produce fine yields and give gardeners greater control over soil, water and temperature conditions. In addition to the obvious health benefits of growing food there is one intrinsic benefit that can’t be measured, and that’s being a part of something’s entire life cycle without feeling sadness and remorse when it’s all said and done. Watching the cycles of a plant and then reaping the benefits of those plants becoming food is a very heady experience. Those who get bitten by the gardening bug may have found one very effective and affordable stress buster.
Being over stressed is no small matter. It can attribute to many serious ailments and illnesses and even death. People sailing rough financial waters may be driven to work incessantly and forget the value of play. But when the heart attack comes calling there might be a much clearer understanding of what it’s all about. Working diligently to get to a better place financially is incredibly admirable. Yet no one knows what tomorrow will bring so there should always be a balance between work and play. Having a laugh, chasing the dog, playing catch with the kids…all are very beneficial to one’s health and peace of mind. And being happy, really happy, costs less than being sick and sad.
By looking at all financial burdens, as well as other life needs—new ideas for resolving all can be found. Whenever possible save money by expending more effort. Sure the conveniences of today’s world save time but do they add to one’s overall well-being? If money’s tight and so are the jeans, get moving and save money. Get moving and be happy no matter what your bank account looks like.