Last Updated on Feb 18, 2020 by James W

Cars are our toys for life and our way of living and expressing ourselves.

Some people just like to talk about their cars, and how they protect them and how they drive them carefully.

Now imagine that someone pays you to drive a car, well if you thought that it’s impossible, you were wrong, many people earn extra or full time just driving their fine cars.

How It Works?

Well there is great site that provides this amazing opportunity, you need to have driving licence ofcourse, you need to be 21 years of age and to have a car that is in good shape.

All you need to do is to drive your car through the city with the advertising wrapped around your car.

Advertisers pay the company to advertise on your car, after your car gets wrapped in advertising, you just sit, relax and drive your car so that everyone can see tour advertisement.

This info is from the site:

Become a Brand Driver and get Paid To Drive!

DRIVENMEDIA is a company dedicated to providing impressionable advertising campaigns for its clients and they have created tremendous value for businesses wanting to take their message right to their audience with custom designed vehicles graphics.  You provide the vehicle – and the active lifestyle!

image credit:

Busy families with active kids (sports, clubs, events, etc.)

Active adults with heavy commutes and high profile destinations

Sales executives making daily sales calls

Delivery/Courier Services

Shuttle/Limo Services

Keep your driving pattern while they pay up to $400 per month (even more for select, high-profile vehicles, commutes and campaigns) to have your qualifying new (or near new) vehicle wrapped in their client’s advertisement.

Read more
Make Money with Crowdology

Incentives, bonuses and participation in promoDrivesm allows you to earn more when you increase the exposure of the branded vehicle.

Participation is not guaranteed, but adding your profile to their database provides advertisers options to fit their campaign needs.

It’s not hard and everything os done in offline word and managed from the website and their offices.

All I can say is that I’m going to join and wait for the opportunity, this is truly unique way of making extra cash for your family.

Get paid to drive is really something not entirely new but can become even more popular.

Businesses just need more people to know about them and having drivers on the street with your name and brand on them is really catchy, I know from my own experience when I see a car with the big domain name advertised on side, I instantly need to check that site.

So if you are advertiser you can join and expand your business, and if you are driver, join and get paid to drive.


Founder and chief editor of Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Tech and SEO geek. Started this blog in 2011 to help others learn how to work from home, make money online or anything related to business and finances. You can contact me at