Last Updated on Mar 30, 2020 by James W



Get onto Amazon, or any other company that sells books, and search “business book???. You’ll see millions of results, most of them written by people just like you. If you’re thinking of publishing a book on business, then there’s certainly a market for you. However, it won’t perform well if you’re not promoting it the right way. Here are some essential tips for driving up your book’s sales, and making the word spread.

The first thing I’ll recommend is finding a specialised publisher. This isn’t exactly necessary these days, but it will certainly help! The literary market has changed a lot in recent years. Now, self-publishing is more accessible than ever, and a lot of new writers are making their names through this channel. However, when you have a book in print and with a reputable name stamped on it, it will carry a lot more authority. This is especially true if the publishing house is in the business niche. Look at traditional business book publisher Motivational Press as an example. Their stable is full of authors who focus on business books, and their readers will recognise the name. By finding a good publisher, you’ll be cutting out a big chunk of your work.

The next thing you should be doing is using modern resources to promote your title. Books are a product like any other. You should be taking advantage of everything you have access to in order to get people thinking about your book. Use all your social media platforms to expose your book in a unique, engaging way. One good way of doing this is creating a video trailer for your book. A lot like a movie trailer, this should have some professional, eye-catching graphics. Use it to outline what the book is about, and get across the kind of people it’s intended for. Leave a couple of unanswered questions to stir up more curiosity. If you can, include positive quotes from a review. To stir up interest in the widest possible audience, you need to exhibit your book where it will be seen.


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This digital age has meant that you can target consumers all over the world. However, a lot of local marketing techniques are still very effective, especially for business books. Marketing Donut had a very insightful article on this. If you can get a few local establishments to buy cases of your book, the word will spread like wildfire. Get into contact with banks and business organisations, and see if they’d be interested in some kind of partnership. Both of these want to attract small business owners. A great way of doing this is by hosting a talk with an authoritative speaker. Let’s be honest, does anything say “authority??? quite like having a published book? Failing these two niches, try your local library or bookstore. Local marketing opportunities are out there; you just have to look for them!


Take these three techniques into your marketing drive. Soon, your business book will be gaining exposure faster than you ever would have imagined!  



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