Last Updated on Mar 12, 2020 by James W


Copyright: anawat / 123RF Stock Photo

Companies devise many high-impact marketing campaigns to win business from new and existing customers. It doesn’t matter whether your marketing involves newspaper ads or skywriting. If your marketing campaign does little to win over people, you are just wasting your money.

Over the years, companies try their hand at many weird and wonderful ways to gain people’s attention. Of course, it also depends on what your message is and who you want to hear it. For instance, if you want to target an adult audience, you might devise some TV and radio campaigns.

Radio is great for oral communications, but what if you want to wow your audience with stunning visuals? TV ads are the obvious choice here.

The thing about TV ads is that they don’t need to be expensive or long to convey your message.

In today’s blog post, I give you some pointers on how you can set up an effective TV ad campaign for your company.

Use people as well as props

One way that you can engage with your target audience is to have people in your TV commercial. You might have a brilliant product or service that you want everyone to know about. But why should your audience believe what you say if you don’t have someone demonstrating it?

For instance, let’s say that you are advertising a five-star luxury hotel. Instead of doing a voiceover with the TV showing you different aspects of the hotel, get some people involved too.

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It doesn’t matter whether you use real hotel guests or actors. The point is you want your viewers to see people enjoying themselves at your hotel. And you want to make them imagine themselves staying at your hotel! Check out production company websites like to see how it’s done!

Make your script punchy and to the point

You’ve only got 30 seconds to get your message across. What will you say? And how will you say it?

It’s important that your script is short, punchy and doesn’t contain long sentences. When you create a TV commercial, you have to “throw??? benefits of your message to your viewers in bite-size chunks.

Imagine that you have the job of feeding alligators at the zoo. Throwing bite-size chunks of food at them will keep them coming back for more. In a way, you must apply a similar analogy to your TV viewers!

Don’t forget your call to action

It’s important that you don’t forget the reason you are creating a TV commercial; you want people to talk to you!

All TV commercials sell something. It could be a product or service. It might even be donations for charity. Whatever your reason, you need your call to action to spring into life as soon as you’ve got your audience hooked.

Offer your audience easy ways to get in touch. Website addresses, phone numbers and even cell phone numbers for texting are convenient examples. I hope you have found the information in this blog post useful today. Good luck with your TV commercial campaign!

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Founder and chief editor of Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Tech and SEO geek. Started this blog in 2011 to help others learn how to work from home, make money online or anything related to business and finances. You can contact me at