Last Updated on Mar 30, 2020 by James W

Employees working in a call center2016 is a pretty exciting time to be around. Wearable devices are only just showing up in our day to day lives, and Amazon says they’ll be using drones to deliver packages in the near future. In such a scientific age, you should be making sure you’re using technology wherever it could improve your business. Here’s a few pieces of tech which could improve the experience of your customers.

First of all, video chat. This is something which could be extremely beneficial for sole traders who work from home. When some people hear “video chat???, all they can imagine is the slow, clunky programs which came out with the first webcams. With a reliable video chat program, you can give your customers a level of service they won’t be able to find with your competitors. Let’s say one of your customers is having a problem using your product. If they have to go through a lengthy FAQ and support process, they’re not going to think too highly of your company. However, what if they hit a big “help??? button, and they’re immediately put face to face with a staff member? With video chat software, you’ll be able to help your customers find what they need, and make them feel more cared for.

The next thing you may want to consider is a credit card reader app. If you’re a skilled sole trader, or any other business person who goes from home to home, then this technology could be an absolute godsend. Many traders grumble about paying for a merchant’s account, or forcing all of their customers to pay with cash. If this sounds familiar, here’s the middle-ground you may be looking for. With a card reader app, you’ll be able to do your work, then simply get your phone out in order to take a payment. Some of these apps will even help you draft quotes and track details about jobs. This is expected to become more and more of a given for sole traders, so don’t miss the boat!

One final thing which could improve your customer experience is called omnichannel support. You can probably guess what this is just from the name. Through omnichannel support, your customers will be able to contact your support team using a range of different channels. One of the biggest reasons people fall out of favour with online businesses is because the firm isn’t meeting their preferences. If you give them several options as to how they’d like to receive customer support, then you can easily step around this problem. With an omnichannel support program, your customers will be able to contact you several times through a range of different channels. They’ll also be able to drop one chat on social media (for example) and then pick up the same conversation on a different channel.

Any one of these technologies could really improve the experience of your customers. Technology is always moving ahead with ways to improve your business. Focus on how your customers are taken care of, and it won’t go unnoticed!

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