Last Updated on Apr 1, 2020 by James W

Almost one in three Millennials choose cash as a long-term investment tool. This is stated in a study by GfK analysts for the financial consulting service Bankrate.

The second most popular tool among Millennials is the securities market (it is chosen as the main investment tool by older generations). Opting for cash could lead to the loss of millions of dollars, Bankrate  warns.

According to the recent research, if the millennial, who plans to retire at 67 years, will invest in an investment fund specializing in investments in the short-term capital market, he will be able to accumulate $733 thousand. Investments in a portfolio of stocks and bonds will increase the figure to $4.2 million.

Millennials don’t like to take risks

American generation Y is financially literate but saves less for retirement than for travel. Millennials often take out loans to cover mortgages and education costs. And they are conservative: only 28% buy stocks and shares in the stock market, and 36% consider such investments too risky.

Traditional brokers are usually bypassed by generation “Y”. They do not want to understand the complex tools of technical analysis, because they are accustomed to convenient online services with gamification, where everything is intuitive and the user requires a minimum of training.

Millennials and technology

Generation Y is used to the fact that all issues can be solved with a couple of clicks on a smartphone or tablet. Already, 40% of millennial candidates are responding to jobs from mobile devices. Therefore, they are not afraid of automation, are ready to test new programs and applications, and do not mind to offer their ideas for optimization.

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Zigging Instead of Zagging When It Comes to Bitcoin

Together with the number of employees, the company has a great advantage-the ability to track trends and innovative technologies. Plus you will be able to increase your presence in social networks. The classic millennial will have more than 300 friends on social media. Having thought through the mechanics of how to push young employees to tell about your company on their pages, you will be able to get additional free audience coverage.

In addition, generation Y knows all about how customer service should work. Because since childhood, they are used to buying a variety of products and have their own idea of how to be built work with the consumer.

Also, this generation is able to find unusual approaches to solving problems that seemed all unsuitable for many years. This is possible thanks to their ability to look at things from different angles, use different tools and not be afraid to try new things.


Crowdinvesting (sometimes it is called crowdfunding) got its name from two words: “crowd” – crowd and “investing” – investing. The principle here is simple-the company raises money for the launch of the project from a large number of people. Once the project is launched, each of the investors receives a conditional share in this company. It can be shares or a share of assets. Sometimes the company, as it takes money in debt from investors, and after the launch of the project gives them interest.

And, while people are willing to invest a small amount of money in startups, most countries ‘ legislation sets obstacles in the way of investors. It is possible to count on fingers the countries in which good conditions for micro-investment are created. As an example, we can highlight the UK, where anyone can invest in a startup from 10 pounds.

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But, despite all the bureaucratic difficulties, crowd investing is developing. Some companies try to attract private investors on their own, while others register on crowd-investing platforms.

It should be mentioned that the project is not necessarily fully funded by micro-investors. The share of crowd investing can be 100%, 50%, and maybe 10-20%. Often companies use their capital in parallel, attract business angels, etc.

A little bit about green investments

Green investments are traditional investment vehicles (such as stocks, exchange-traded funds, and mutual funds) in which the underlying companies are somehow involved in operations aimed at improving the environment. This can range from companies that develop alternative energy technologies to companies that have the best environmental practices. For a sane stock, there are plenty of clean-play companies leading against the backdrop of green companies traded on major stock exchanges.

Peculiar features of investing in cryptocurrency

The reputation of the digital currency is reaching new heights, and the trust of users is growing. It is possible due to the following factors:

  • The expansion of the use of cryptocurrency, including at the state level;
  • The investment market is enriched by new players from China and India. Countries and private companies are starting to look for funds that are not related to the political situation;
  • The largest online stores today accept bitcoin, which allows the currency to develop further at a rapid pace;
  • The availability of digital currency is increasing due to the installation of street financial machines for payments;
  • The development of cryptocurrency is also associated with the use of new tools for storing money, the development of mining.
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Using Fundamentals to Pick Your Cryptocurrency Favorites

As experts predict the value of cryptocurrencies will grow. However, there may be periods of “stagnation”, when positions will not change, or time of uncritical decline. It is necessary to take into account the fact that long-term investments from the year bring great benefit to the investor and almost never burn out, whereas, with a temporary decline in quotations, short-term investments will be quite unprofitable.

So, in the long term, in the presence of a fairly large amount of money, investing in cryptocurrency is definitely a profitable enterprise, but even with a very modest amount of free money in the amount of 10-25 thousand rubles, you can competently invest and earn additional funds. It is important to assess the risks and choose the right cryptocurrency.


Founder and chief editor of Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Tech and SEO geek. Started this blog in 2011 to help others learn how to work from home, make money online or anything related to business and finances. You can contact me at