Last Updated on Feb 28, 2020 by James W
Search engine optimization, or SEO, is important for any business that has an online presence. As any business owner knows, the better your SEO, the higher and more accurate rankings that business will achieve in search engines. This means the likelihood of driving more web-based traffic to a specific website increases, sometimes dramatically with the correct usage of search engine optimization.
Another important aspect of having an online presence for a business in today’s Internet is that of social networking. Sites like Facebook, Twitter and Google+ are all the rage. The question is, can likes, shares and +1s increase the search engine optimization of a business’s website? The answer is a most definite “yes.” SEO rankings and social media are very much connected. To get the best SEO ranking, a company needs to have a social media following as well.
+1s, Shares, Likes and Mentions
Three of the biggest services that affect a company’s SEO rankings are Facebook, Twitter and Google+. These three services all contribute to a business’s SEO, as well as serve as a good method for interacting with customers and fans.
When an Internet user gives a post on Google+ a +1 or shares a post, this of course increases your SEO ranking. However, Google+ also uses some traditional SEO tricks as well. Not only does Google+ take into account the number of shares, but also weighs those shares depending on the acceleration or deceleration of sharing as well as the authority of those who share or give a +1 to the posts. The more of these factors in favor of the company whose posts are being shared or given +1, the better the SEO rankings which can be achieved.
For Twitter and Facebook, shares, followers, likes and mentions all work in a similar manner. They are weighted in a similar manner to the +1s and shares on Google+; the higher the authority of the entity providing the mention, share or like and the speed with which those likes, shares, mentions and follows increase or decrease all add in to the SEO rankings
+1s have an additional use though. Google+ takes into account +1s granted on the company’s website itself in addition to those received on , making the incorporation of a +1 button on the website a matter of high importance in order to receive the best rankings possible. +1s given on a webite have a similar weight to those shares and +1s given on Google+.
Reviews, Geotagging and Check-Ins
Check-ins, with such sites as Facebook and Foursquare as well as geotagging which happens automatically when someone uses their smartphone to take pictures also contribute to your SEO rankings. Likewise, reviews on sites and services such as Yelp also help to increase your SEO rankings, especially on a local level. For reviews, the more authority the reviewers have, the better the ranking increase, so it is best to get high-authority reviewers to visit and write a review using these services.
Author Bio:
David is an SEO Manager at Search Factory, a SEO and Search Engine Marketing agency located in Brisbane, Australia. David knows the value that a strong social media presence can bring to an SEO campaign, and thinks all marketers should be incorporating the two channels wherever possible. For more information visit: