Last Updated on Apr 14, 2020 by James W

Getting your dream job, one that makes you excited when you wake up in the morning and banishes the Monday blues may seem like a distant dream right now, but it needn’t remain so. By spending time setting clear objectives and focusing on what makes you happy you can define your dream role, which is the first step to achieving it. Through perseverance, setting specific goals and lots of hard work you can systematically get closer to achieving it.

Look at what makes you happy

Take a look at what makes you happy and think about all the jobs connected to those things. For example, if traveling and meeting new people is your ideal way to pass the time then perhaps a role in a travel agency is the right career for you.

Be SMART about your goals

It is all very well to aspire to lead a top Fortune 100 company but to achieve your dreams you will have to work out what the necessary steps are to get there. Your goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Although being SMART about your job hunting won’t necessarily win you the job of your dreams immediately, it can help to break down your ambitions into smaller bite-size steps. For example, you may need to gain specific qualifications to get closer to the job you want, so begin there and work methodically through each step that will take you closer to where you want to be. The clearer you can be about your ambitions, the easier it will be to work out the best path to get there.


It’s important to do thorough research and to get to know the field where you hope to move. Go to networking events, follow the leading companies on social media, and sign up for their newsletters, so you are kept up to date on any job openings. You need to network as much as possible; you may make valuable contacts that can help you progress. After all, you never know when someone you meet at a networking event might be in a position to put your name forward for a job. Try to talk to as many people as you can who are already working at your dream company or who do the job you would like to have. For example, if you have your heart set on owning a successful restaurant then talk to the owners of the successful restaurants you admire, and gain valuable advice from their experiences.

Tailor your resume

Never send off a standard resume and covering letter as it will come across like you don’t care enough to tailor it to that specific job and company. Ensure you read the ‘how to apply’ information carefully, for example, My Job Apps has information on the different roles available at Family Dollar Stores and gives further details on how to apply for each one. Always send your application in the style or format the company has asked for, as you don’t want your CV to end up unread simply because they asked for an application form instead.

Before an interview

Before attending an interview make sure you know the company inside and out. Read their annual report, know their CEO’s background, and think of some relevant questions about the role or company and be prepared to answer their questions for you.

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Founder and chief editor of Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Tech and SEO geek. Started this blog in 2011 to help others learn how to work from home, make money online or anything related to business and finances. You can contact me at