Last Updated on Apr 8, 2020 by James W

2017 broke records for having the most number of natural disasters that occurred in the U.S. as well as the damages resulted, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Last year, we had 16 severe weather events, each one costing more than a billion dollars. These included hurricanes, wildfire, and flooding.

But the threat of natural disasters doesn’t end in 2017. There might be more to come this 2018. In addition to anticipated hurricanes and icy storms, scientists predict 2018 may be a year of earthquakes. With the alarming cost and consequences of natural disasters, it is a MUST to be prepared. And if your place of business is anywhere in one of these disaster-prone states, the more you have to be vigilant. Here are some tips to get your business ready for natural disasters:

Plan and practice it.

The best way to protect your business is to plan ahead. It’s the most important step and the only way to diffuse the impact of a natural disaster. Identify potential relocation sites, supply storage, essential data backup plan, identification of key personnel, employee safety, etc. But planning is not enough. Educate your team through training, drills, and mock disasters. In order to execute your plan properly amidst panicking and anxiety, you should practice it!

Backup your data.

This is a MUST. Your company records can be easily destroyed by a natural disaster and that is something you don’t want to happen. Work with your tech team to create a data backup process that should be performed regularly. With the wide availability of data backup platforms online, you wouldn’t have any problems securing your data in a safe and dependable facility. In case a natural disaster is fast approaching and you haven’t had data backup in place yet, an electronic vaulting technology allows you to transfer data in an alternate recovery site in a matter of minutes.

Protect your site.

The damage a natural disaster may cause to your building can be exceedingly high. If you don’t want to break your bank, protecting your site and equipment is essential. Know the dangers and weaknesses of your facility. Cover and secure roofs and windows with aditional waterproof tarps. These will greatly help prevent major damage that may require costly repairs or renovations. Another thing to consider is what happens when power is out. Do you have a generator as your alternate power source? Assess your potential loss if power supply is cut off during a natural disaster. In most cases, having back-up generator will pay off during disastrous events.

Tackle inventory management.

Can your business preorder stock? You need to know how a natural disaster will affect your customers and vendors. If you lost access to any retailers or vendors, would you be able to function? Weeks or days prior a forecasted storm or hurricane, keep ample of stock to keep your business going when the bad weather strikes. Of course, inventory doesn’t just include your products and business supplies. You also want to stock on emergency supplies like flashlights, batteries, food and blankets in your facility in case some of your employees are unable to leave. You want to do as much analysis as needed in order to manage your inventory well during the duration of a natural disaster.

Consider working remotely.

Accessing your facility is most likely difficult, if not impossible. It is very important to plan for this scenario in which your employees are unable to go to work onsite. Consider making use of a project management tool or software that allows you and your team to collaborate and work remotely.

It took you sweat and blood, sleepless nights, and stressful days to put up your dream business. Don’t let natural disasters destroy what you’ve worked hard for to achieve. Do create a contingency plan and practice it, backup all your important documents, prepare and protect your facility, discuss your inventory management plan with your team, and utilize the technology to be able to continue business even if you and your team cannot work onsite. With these important tips and strategies, you can shield your business from the costly and painful blows of Mother Nature.


Megan is a writer, a DIY geek, a camping lover and a happy mom of 2 who works with Grizzly Tarps. She writes just about anything, from giving you an advice on how to go about your date to sharing her personal experience in relationship how tos.

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