Last Updated on Feb 28, 2020 by James W


I know that probably some of you, just like me, are careful about sending your name and address out to the public. And I’ve seen many requests on paypal community forum asking about how they can remove or hide name and address when sending a paypal invoice.

Let me tell you this, the details you see in the paypal invoice are optional, you can change them, you can change, remove details like your name and email if you’re scared about sharing your identity.

Because let admit it, staying anonymous sometimes on the internet is worth a lot.

And I must tell you that it’s not that hard at all, once you’re on the page to send a paypal invoice for selling your goods or services. You will get a page like this one probably:


As you can see, I removed my logo image, name and just left my email address and my blog’s name. You just need to click edit contact information in paypal invoice in order to hide or remove your name and address from the invoice.

Sometimes I see ebay sellers want to hide their real address, because they sell to a lot of people and staying safe is important.

I hope you liked this short article,  and in the future if someone asks you to send a paypal invoice in order to pay you. All you need to do in order to stay anonymous is to remove couple of fields in the invoice.

But always remember to write what is the invoice for, like for writing services, web design, you need to provide as more as detailed info so that buyer knows for what are they paying, because they get a lot of invoices like yours daily.

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Thanks for reading and have a great day.


Founder and chief editor of Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Tech and SEO geek. Started this blog in 2011 to help others learn how to work from home, make money online or anything related to business and finances. You can contact me at