Last Updated on Mar 13, 2020 by James W
Do you know that over 90% of blogs created every year fails to make any money? Yeah, it’s true. Even though it is pretty hard to believe, this actually doesn’t surprise me at all. I know why people fail and I’m here to help you by showing you the ways that will lead to success.
I know people usually say ”Content is king” and I agree with that. But most of the people never even focus on creating top quality content. They assume that creating one post takes only two hours and after that they think they have something quality. That is usually a huge mistake. I spend only two hours on creating the perfect headline and more than two days on creating a perfect post that could be described as top quality.
And that is only beginning. After that, it comes what is actually important. MARKETING! Here are the 3 type of posts that are loveable and easily marketed.
When people use Internet for reading posts, they are usually trying to find three type of posts: post that entertain them, post that will offer them a valuable information or post that will describe (review) certain product. The third one usually bring the most money because people are already in the buying mode. All you have to do is to rank this post high in Google and other search engines and BOOM!! You land yourself some serious money.
I always recommend writing review posts in which you should review a product where you need to emphasize all the good sides of the product (sell more). If you do not own any product, you could easily start with affiliate marketing and resell other people’s products and services.
List posts
List posts are great because they can be adjusted to any niche and any audience. I really prefer creating and reading such posts as they are easily absorbed. People are to busy nowadays and they don’t have time to read long 10,000 word guides on some simple topics. They want clear instructions, attractive headline and information that is easily absorbed.
How to
These are usually the type of posts that are created for ranking. There are millions of daily searches that starts with famous ”How to”. When someone wants to rank a specific keyword, they usually choose ‘How to’ type of posts and I also recommend this. It is a good tactic!
Create content that provide value and you will get money in return. Trust me, before you earn anything, you need to provide something valuable.