Last Updated on Feb 28, 2020 by James W


If you’ve ever wanted to make money on the internet, one of the best ways to do this is through the use of your own web site or blog. Starting a business on the internet has a lot more advantages than starting a local retail business. The most important thing for you to know is that your entry level costs will be minimal and that toy can get started right away.

Creating Your First Site

The first thing you are going to need to do is create a web site or blog. The upfront costs are the following.

  • Domain name – $10 per year
  • Hosting – $7 per month
  • Content – free (your time)
  • WordPress software – free

As you can see, for less than $20 you can get started with your own site right away.

Now you are going to need to think about a solid business model and how you are going to drive people to your site from the search engines.

Finding the Right Site Topic

In this example we are going to focus our efforts on creating a tshirt web site. A tshirt site is a great way to make money online because everyone loves to buy clothes, especially when they are funny or of their favorite shows or sports teams.

If you love sports then a team shirt site would be a great way for you to start. To create content for your site you could make a new page for every team in your preferred sport. Then you would find a tshirt affiliate program to join. A tshirt affiliate program is important because it will allow you to link to their web site and earn a commission every time someone visits your site and makes a purchase. You will then get a check or payment at the end of the month for all referred sales.

Read more
What Online Business Can I Do to Make Money?

Writing Content that Works for You

The content on your web site is going to be important. In addition to the writing and linking to different shirts about sports teams, you can also created them for famous athletes as well. The goal is to create a site with a ton of content that is all related to a specific niche of shirts.

Once you have your site created, you can focus on building an audience and getting ranked in the search engines. Since there are over a billion users on Facebook, Twitter and Google+, be sure to create a separate fan page just for your shirt site.

There are thousands of tshirt sites on the internet and hundreds of them have their own affiliate programs for you to join and promote. Be sure to take the time to research what people are buying so you can create a quality site that will make you month for months and years to come.

Author Bio:

Jessica is a fashion designer and loves to write about the tshirt industry. You can see more of her writing and tshirt rankings at


Founder and chief editor of Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Tech and SEO geek. Started this blog in 2011 to help others learn how to work from home, make money online or anything related to business and finances. You can contact me at