Last Updated on Mar 12, 2020 by James W

Any good website will help the business behind it to generate the most revenue and profit possible. This can be achieved in many ways. Some of them can be done by the novice computer geek, while some will need to be carried out by a geek with a little more expertise. Much of it is simply about using your common sense! A slap-dash attempt to make money with a website is never going to turn out well. Read on to up your profits and increase that revenue:

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Make Sure It’s Well Designed

A well designed site will get you more returning visitors and customers, resulting in more profit for you. By ‘well designed’ I don’t mean a few pretty colours and fonts; a good site design goes much deeper than that. Your site must be easy to navigate, otherwise users will swiftly move on to another site. The best way to ensure you have the best design possible is to hire a professional company to do it for you and brief them with the kind of thing you’re looking for.

A good design will also have clear calls to action above the fold, as these are the buttons that encourage visitors to carry out the action that you want them to.

Fill It With Quality Content

Quality content is the key to getting customers to return again and again. Spelling and grammar errors don’t look very professional, so make sure you’re double checking things to get it perfect before publishing. The content you publish should be relevant and helpful, as well as split up into sections to make it easier to read.

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Invest in SEO

Search engine optimisation is an essential online marketing technique. Its purpose is to show your site to the people who are searching for it, exactly what you have on offer; immediately getting you more traffic and sales. Clever, huh? Unbelievably, some people still neglect to do any SEO! Hire a professional to do this for you, like White Chalk Road, if you aren’t sure where to start.

Invest in PPC

PPC, or pay per click advertising, is where you pay a fee for each click you get on an advert. The prices vary depending on the keywords you choose, and how competitive your niche is. However, if you’ve got the budget, it’s a great way to get more visitors onto your site where you can then encourage them to buy from you or hire you.


Instead of focusing solely on advertising your own site, why not offer advertising space on your site for other companies? If your site already gets a fair bit of traffic, people will pay handsomely for a spot on there. You may even get money per click/lead generation you get for the other company. I advise you only do this with companies who are relevant/complimentary to your own though.


There are many more ways you can generate more profit and revenue through your site too – just take a look at the plethora of information online! Thanks for reading and good luck.


Founder and chief editor of Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Tech and SEO geek. Started this blog in 2011 to help others learn how to work from home, make money online or anything related to business and finances. You can contact me at