Last Updated on Feb 28, 2020 by James W

Renters Insurance

You need renter’s insurance to protect your property from damage caused by fires, storms, accidents, theft or vandalism. Many renters think that they are protected enough if they rent a house or an apartment that is insured through homeowners insurance, but they are wrong. Homeowners insurance covers only the damage to the physical home, and does not protect against damage of personal property, such as furniture, electric appliances, paintings, TVs, computers, books and other valuable belongings.

Moreover, renter’s insurance offers liability coverage in cases when renters may be sued for injuries that occurred in the home they rent. Renter’s insurance also covers any items that may be lost when traveling, which is beneficial in cases when travel agencies or airlines offer only limited coverage on lost luggage. Don’t hesitate to check and find more info about renter’s insurance benefits and quotes. Renter’s insurance costs substantially less than homeowners insurance, and you can save big money if you implement several tips.

Thorough Research And Insurance Optimization Can Save Big Bucks On Renter’s Insurance

*Search the Internet for insurance quotes from different companies and compare them to find the most affordable and beneficial coverage for your needs.

* Aim for a long-term partnership with a particular insurance company and after several years you may benefit from substantial discounts on your premiums.

* Evaluate how much you can afford to pay on your deductible and try to set it at a higher level. A higher deductible translates into lower premiums because insurance companies are protected against small, insignificant claims.

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* Consider moving to a safer area. Your insurance company will most likely lower your premiums if they know that you live in a safe area with low criminal activity rates. You are less likely to request coverage of your damages in cases of theft or vandalism in safer neighborhoods.

* If you need other types of insurance such as health insurance, auto insurance or life insurance consider partnering with the same insurance company. Many companies offer substantial discounts on your premiums when you purchase multiple policies offered by them.

Enhance The Protection Of Your Home And Benefit From Significant Discounts From Your Insurance Company

There are a few safety and protection measures that you can implement which may encourage your insurance company to lower your premiums due to a lower risk.

* Protect your property against fire by installing smoke alarms and fire extinguishers in each room. You can go even further and install a sprinkler system which may translate into even more discounts on your premiums. Quitting smoking is also a great way to reduce your risk. You need to provide evidence and inform your insurance company about the changes you made to enhance the protection of your property against fire.

* Installing safer locks, such as dead-bolts, security alarms or motion sensors to reduce the risk of theft or vandalism, which can lower your premiums on renter’s insurance.

Renter’s insurance is a great way to protect your belongings from damage caused by various threats. Because it is significantly cheaper than homeowners insurance, there is no reason to expose yourself to the risks. Make sure to visit for more information on how to find an affordable and convenient renter’s insurance policy.

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Author Bio:

Jeff Mathis has 20 years of experience working within the insurance industry. He likes to share his insights and tips online via blogging. Visit for more information and rates. 




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