Last Updated on Apr 8, 2020 by James W

Have you ever wondered how would your life feel and appear if you remained with almost entire of your salary until the next one? Would you like to have the opportunity to see this dream coming true, at least once in your lifetime? Well, nowadays, temptations are everywhere – from the very first moment you open your eyes. Still, it does not mean that we have to keep our eyes closed at all times, but instead, be careful where we walk. With the online world, every dream we had became closer than ever before – and easier to reach. These being said, in case you are looking forward to knowing more concerning the subject, make sure to stick with us and keep an eye onto the following lines in order to discover how to stop buying online!

  1. Delete your Online Accounts

If you want to put a stop to something, you have to stop the access to it first. Basically, if you want to get rid of something, you have to keep it away from yourself – and from many other things. Now, if your aim is to stop buying things online, the first step is to delete all of your online accounts – from any online shop. By this way, you keep your money in your bank account, without having to use them for paying diverse stuff that you would not have paid for otherwise.

  1. Get Rid of Newsletters

The second step of stopping yourself from buying things online is to get rid of newsletters. Of course, they are extremely useful once you want to get in touch with everything and every promotion that each store has – or comes with. Instead, since you want to put some money aside and stop shopping online, you can get rid of the newsletters – and avoid interfering with your brain each and every piece of information that comes across your mind. By this way, you can save hundreds of money, and trust me – there is nothing more rewarding as knowing that your money are safe and sound, and not on some bank accounts of some retailers that you did not know they exist in the first place.

  1. Think of All the Stuff That Did not Fit You
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Even though we see so many stuff we like and wish to wear, there are so many that you might have ordered but did not reach your majestic expectations. If you want this time to be done right, stop buying online stuff – and go for the offline ones instead that you can try and see if they fit your shape. Since the return costs are pretty high (even for ourselves), the best thing to do is to place them aside from your mind – and instead, focus on the offline stuff that you can find basically everywhere. By this way, sooner or later you will get the outcome expected – and decide that it is so much better to just go shopping and live your life to the fullest, just the way you want it – without the online world where you can shop only virtual.

  1. Create Categories

From our monthly or weekly salary, there are so many things that we need to cover, such as – rent, utilities, food, going out, unexpected situations and clothes. Since the best way to keep track of each and every spending, you can start do that by creating categories. Sooner that you realise, you will be able to handle everything like a pro, and by that we mean buying online only when you consider that there are things that are worth it. With the rest of them, you will most probably think twice. Of course, it is up to you which path to take, yet it is better to learn to say stop, especially when it comes to online shopping.

  1. Everything that Is Online, is not Original Anymore
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Even though the online varieties are way more interesting than the others, it does not mean that they are original or unique. Instead, many of them are viral, which means that by the time they get your place, you and your friends all would have quite the same clothes. With the offline shopping, things are not always like that – the chances that you can get something new and different are quite bigger, since most of us try the clothes we wish to buy and only after we see if they fit us the way we want it, do we buy them. So, it is a matter of time that makes us really aware of what we buy, but as many girls out there know it, there is nothing more beautiful and more powerful than feeling good in your own skin. On the other hand, once you make a purchase online, there are some delivery costs that (in 75% of the cases) will be supported by yourself. Now, the question is – does the online worth it?


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