Last Updated on Mar 25, 2020 by James W

Businesses have always tried to understand their customers. Before the advent of the internet and the digital tools that people now predominantly use to shop and explore online marketplaces, companies spoke to their customers directly. These conversations gave insight about how they could improve their provisions. However, this feedback was clunky, slim and ineffective. Now, with the data trail and digital outreach afforded by the internet, it’s easy to draw out customer insights that truly help you understand the voice behind your customers – something this article aims to map out for you and your business.

Data Footprints

You’ve likely heard this phrase before: ‘data is the new oil’. Whether you feel this is hyperbole or striking on something poignant and true, it’s certainly data that’s driving many of the competitive innovations across the business world. Your company has its own store of private data to interact with – helping you to understand who your customers are, and how they came to land on your website. These insights can be generated simply by using software and data analysis techniques. They are invaluable in helping you to understand how and why your customers are coming to you for trade.

Outreach and Research

Data only goes part of the way – or website and transaction data does, at least. In other areas of knowing your customer, this data won’t cut it: instead, you’ll need to conduct some qualitative and quantitative research to help you get a better impression of the voice of your customers. Understanding the voice of the customer is about undertaking research into their wants, needs, impressions and expectations. If you deploy the right strategy, you can effectively engage with future web users who might be easily converted into customers.

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Email Marketing Rewards

One simple and effective way to help you know your customers in the digital age is to send emails out to all those who have shopped with you in the past. What you’ll offer is a special coupon or deal, in return for their taking a simple, two-minute survey to share with you how they feel about your brand and your customer service. This is one of the most cost-effective ways of getting through to your customers. It will help them to feel valued through a small discount, which is well worth the cost for you – thanks to the extra data you’ll receive.

Meeting at Conferences 

Your business shouldn’t merely operate within a completely isolated digital space – it should also have a real-world presence. You can achieve this by attending real events with a stall and some branding, in order to build relationships with customers, clients and even competitors across your given market. With these occasions come opportunities to learn and share – and to understand why your customers trust your brand, and why it is that they felt comfortable trading with you. These insights will be pivotal in helping you to bring out the friendlier and more personable side of your brand, helping you to build positive customer impressions over time.

The voice and impression of your customers are incredibly important in the digital age – and this article will help you tease out both of these in order to develop your business.


Founder and chief editor of Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Tech and SEO geek. Started this blog in 2011 to help others learn how to work from home, make money online or anything related to business and finances. You can contact me at