Last Updated on Feb 28, 2020 by James W

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Most people today are self-employed and due to this they tend not to have regular jobs but rather they chose to embark on jobs such as freelancing, consulting and contract work. All these kinds of jobs have accounting needs that are different when compared to those of a regular 9 to 5 job or a formal business that has a large inventory and an array of employees on its payroll.
What most self-employed professionals require in terms of accounting is a means through which they can invoice clients, track various payments, issue out statements and keep a record of customer contacts.

Importance of a Billing and Invoice Software

A key aspect in freelance and small business accounting is invoicing and freelance billing. People who are self-employed or run their own business tend to appreciate when they get paid for their work or service. However good that feeling of getting paid might be, invoicing tends to be an issue for them and especially in cases that involve freelance workers who specialise in design or other kinds of artistic work.

A billing and invoice software helps to ensure that a freelancer gets paid or that a small business receives its due payments. A billing and invoice software helps freelancers avoid the excuses that come with unscrupulous customers who default on their payments. No freelancer ever wants to not get paid for the work they have done or for the service they have provided. The best way to ensure that payment is made in due time is to have a good billing and invoicing software.

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A billing and invoice software caters to all freelance and small business accounting needs. It provides the user with a good look correspondence for the business and ensures that one is also organised and that both they and the business are performing at efficient levels.

A billing and invoice software tracks invoices, any kind of payments including late ones, different estimates and times. The software also generates reports. On top of all this, a billing and invoice software system also tracks different individuals, shipping or billing addresses and various clients preferred methods of payment. A billing and invoice software also contains various applications, one of which allows for the direct emailing of invoices and statements to specific clients.

When choosing this kind of software one should focus on if it can be used easily and whether or not it is able to provide an invoicing, billing and customer management system that does not require the user to have an advanced understanding of accounting.

A billing and invoicing system is ideal for people who are self-employed or freelancers. The software has the ability to create invoices that look great from regular templates and if preferred, one has the option of starting from scratch, whereby they can be helped to create and customise a professional looking invoice suited for customer relation needs.

However small ones business might be, portraying an efficient, organised and professional look is instrumental to the success of that business. A good billing and invoice software can help one to achieve such a look.

image source: fotolia


Founder and chief editor of Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Tech and SEO geek. Started this blog in 2011 to help others learn how to work from home, make money online or anything related to business and finances. You can contact me at