Last Updated on Feb 28, 2020 by James W

Making Money Online

Yes, I have finally decided to share my income report for the last month, January 2013, wow, who would thought that it’s already a February in this new year. Time really flies by when you’re busy and hard working on projects you like.

MakeMoneyInLife entered his 3rd year of existence and we’re growing with every new day, couple of freelance writers, 2 co founders,  more than 15 posts per week and more than 100 new business partners and advertisers just in last year.

I’m really proud with this blog and I have great plans for it in the future, but the most important one is to provide you, my dear readers with new and interesting content to read and learn from.

The more you learn about your finances, business, tools, and ways to make money online, the happier I become.

We survived Mayan  prophecy about end of the world, economy is still in somehow strange shape and jobs are constantly shifting from one economy to another, yes it’s tough.

That’s why I’m very thankful for being able to work from the comfort of my home and to spend more time with my loved ones.

I’m writing this post not to brag, but to inspire you and tell you that you can live the life you want and that you can work from home. It’s 2013 and Internet is full of new jobs and work opportunities, you don’t need to feel strange just because you want to work on your computer. Just work hard and be stubborn, you will hit the wall in the beginning, but later that wall will crumble and behind it is the sea of the work from home jobs an ways to make money online.

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This is my full time job, affiliate marketing and blogging, and I make pretty good sum, I pay my taxes and still there is enough left to live just like if I was working in a cubicle and from 9 to 5.

For the first time I decided to share my income report generated with this blog and by working online, well sometimes more than 15 hours a day, but at least I’m at home and I schedule my own hours.

MakeMoneyInLife Income Report for January 2013

Affiliate Marketing – $1,785.25

Affiliate marketing is still one of my main income source and I started this blog from my affiliate marketing earnings. I used facebook to promote offers (PPC). Offers that I promote are usually about software, web hosting and blogging tools. My  blog helped me a lot personally in promoting tools I use and think that other users can benefit from, affiliate earnings from blog are somewhere around $400, sorry I’m a bit lazy to go through the sales report :).

Advertising –  $1.343.35

In this are included only advertisers you see on the sidebar and one beneath the posts. Mostly it was direct ad selling with manual placement of ads, and yes i use adrotate and wp bannerize, great wp plugins you should check out.

The websites I use to sell my banners are: buysellads, and crankyads from Starak, but i didn’t yet had any success with crankyads that much. Maybe that will improve in the future and I need to be more active there I admit.

Sponsored Posts and Reviews – $505

I didn’t even remember all the numbers and posts, sorry for that, It’s just tough you know, I get tons of emails and offers Every Single Day. I just remember that from this amount, the $130 is made with Text Link Ads, $150 from SocialSpark, and later this month I will write about SocialSpark in details.

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And other $225 are from reviews and deals I have made directly with my blog, mostly these offers are coming from digital marketing agencies that use content marketing to promote their clients. I must say this has been a very profitable way of monetizing a blog for more, they get exposure and I get a small reward for published post.

Infolinks – $47.62

They are really great company and I’m sure that you can make even more, it’s just that I have done some testing and I reduced the number of ads in order to improve my page CTR and lower my bounce rate. Honestly I like to keep my content with only couple of links not a ton, and if there are more than 2 links, those are just internal linking I’ve done to improve CTR.


All Together: $3681.22

Here in Europe it’s quite good amount, sometimes it can be lower, but sometimes it can be higher, it all depends from how much time and work you invest. This is just a proof that hard work pays off. I know that this amount is not much for some famous bloggers, but for me it’s enough and I’m sure it will get better.

If you want to work from home and make money online like I do, stop by this blog from time to time and I’m sure that you will learn a lot.  This whole post is not to brag but to inspire, thank you for reading through the end.

If you have some business offers and want to work with me, please send me the email at

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image credit: fotolia


Founder and chief editor of Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Tech and SEO geek. Started this blog in 2011 to help others learn how to work from home, make money online or anything related to business and finances. You can contact me at