Last Updated on Mar 12, 2020 by James W


I decided to add some twists to my post and instead of usual ”how to” posts, I was actually going to interview a marketing and SEO expert in the Internet Marketing world. He is running a website and Adam is really popular in blogosphere.

Let’s see some Adam’s answers.

Hi Adam, how are you feeling? I hope you are in the mood for an interview. For the start, can you tell me and my readers who you are and what are you doing? 

 Hi – great thanks and I hope you are too. Thanks for inviting me.

I run a website called ‘Blogging Wizard’ where I share actionable advice to help bloggers become successful.

I’m also the Marketing Manager for a content marketing agency; UK Linkology.

How did you actually find yourself in Internet Marketing world? 

It all started off when I was studying for a degree in Music & Marketing – I was inspired by my lecturer to dig deeper into the world of marketing and before long I was hooked.

You know, up till 2am working on my next idea, writing blog posts and planning how to make my mark on the industry. 

What is your biggest accomplishment and the biggest failure? 

My biggest accomplishment is probably getting the job that I have now – sure we’d all like to work for ourselves because it’s easier but working in an agency environment will take you from bedroom marketer to battle hardened marketer.

In order to get the job I beat plenty of capable marketers and some of which were in the ‘Chartered Institute of Marketing’ (CIM) here in the UK.

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I wouldn’t say that I’ve really failed at anything and I don’t believe it’s truly possible, I don’t see what people typically refer to as ‘failure’ as that at all, I see it as a lesson to learn from and grow as a person.

As Thomas Edison once said “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work???.

And I agree. 

4.What motivates you? 

I take my inspiration from all around.

I block out as many negative influences in my life as possible and replace them with as much positivity as possible.

I open my mind to the possibilities of the future and visualise where I want to be 5-10 years down the line.

One of the best ways that I’ve found to motivate myself is to create a dream board where I have pictures of everything I want to have in 5-10 years, there’s even some cheesy yet inspirational music that plays in the background. I watch it almost every day, days when I watch it – I am far more productive.

Why do some people succeed and others don’t? 

There are a lot of factors but two that stand out in my mind are passion and positive influence.

The way I see the world is probably a little different from most.

I see people wasting their life, turning up at a job and doing something mundane and just hiding away, watching the clock to see when they can leave.

I don’t think life should be that way, but some people either don’t have the passion to motivate themselves or they are surrounded by negative influences.

Take main stream media for example – it’s trash and what does it do for us? Nothing.

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When it comes to succeeding you’ve got to really love what you’re doing, without passion you just end up coasting and not really trying.

When you remove negative influences and are passionate about what you are doing it makes the world of difference.

Another thing you need to do is to suspend disbelief for just a moment.

You can succeed because you are in complete control of your destiny. A lot of people relinquish control for various reasons (avoidance issues, fear, uncertainty) and I understand why it happens, but when you take back that control you can make it happen.

If you can go back on the start of your IM journey, what would you change? 

I’d have started earlier – I used to mess around with websites in my teens with HTML and stuff when I quite easily could have got into IM if I’d opened my mind to it at that point. 

If I tell you that you need to choose only one method for driving traffic and use it till end of your life, which method you would choose? 

That’s a difficult one but I’d probably go with social media.. organic search would be a close second but the fact that Google is always changing makes it a bad option to choose.

Sure we can do everything they want us to, but they do ‘move the goal posts’ every now and then. We can do things the right way to ensure we carry on getting traffic for longer, but at the end of the day we can’t rely on it.

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Social media is a safer option, although it’s more challenging to scale and requires the publishing of content more frequently.

Although, we should never put all of our eggs in one basket (so to speak). 

What about one method for earning money online? Choose wisely.

Product launches with passive continuity built in – while I haven’t launched my own product yet, I know that affiliate marketing isn’t a safe thing to rely on. After all, you shouldn’t rely on 1 traffic source and you shouldn’t rely on 1 source for earning money online either.

Launching products that generate you passive income and allow you to generate consulting clients is just what it should be.  

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 

In 5 years I see a great future unfolding with some very successful blogs generating a lot of income, along with several membership sites and a number of different products generating even more income. I also see a book on the horizon too.

Remember, the future is what you make it.



Article writer, life lover, knowledge developer and owner at