Last Updated on Mar 12, 2020 by James W

Have you tried doing CPA Marketing? If you are still not familiar with the term CPA, it stands for ”Cost Per Action”. It is one of the most profitable ways to earn money online if you have proper knowledge and basic capital to invest.

CPA is extremely simple: you get paid when someone clicks on your affiliate link and:

  • fill out a form
  • submit an email
  • buy something

Since I started working in the IM industry, CPA was my passion. I know there was lot of money to be made in CPA Marketing so I decided to give it a try. However, I had no clue how to make people fill my offers so I failed. I failed really hard.

Few months later, I tried again. However, I barely covered all my expenses but CPA remained to be my biggest passion. I know I needed to figure out the ins and outs of it if I want to make money. So I start reading more. And I kept reading. Until I read all available guides on the Internet. After that, I start talking with people about CPA. Taking advises, absorbing knowledge they had. Two years after my first fail with CPA Marketing, I tried again. And then, I succeeded. I made $2,453 in 7 days. It was one of the happiest weeks in my life.

However, I figured out that learning and testing is two keys to success in CPA Marketing. No one will tell you exact methods, offers and networks you need to use. You are in obligation to explore by yourself and only then, make money.

Read more
Advanced Affiliate Marketing Strategies for Bloggers

The reasons why you should choose CPA over other money making methods

There are two reasons why I like CPA Marketing more than Adsense, banner advertising, PPD or any other affiliate marketing methods. Firstly, it’s higher on the ”earning money” chain. Banner ads and Adsense are positioning really low in the ”earning money” chain and that’s why I don’t prefer using them.

Secondly, I really like the fact that you can easily integrate CPA offers into your design and make money that way. It’s also great that you don’t have to ruin your site with ugly Adsense ads or badly designed banners. Some of the websites take good care covering their tracks so most people doesn’t even know that they are filling CPA offers.

Two best networks are definitely:

  • Peerfly
  • Neverblue

I usually recommend these two. They are my favorite.

I hope you enjoyed in this article where I was covering basics of CPA Marketing.


Article writer, life lover, knowledge developer and owner at