Last Updated on Mar 11, 2020 by James W


It is essential that in your workplace you take steps to create a cool and comfortable environment. If you and your employees were to work in hot, stuffy conditions, then you would find it difficult to be productive. However when you have a cool, refreshing climate it will allow employees to feel energised, focused and ready to work.

This is most important through the summer months when the temperature outside can soar and make office environments very uncomfortable. Having an air conditioning system installed is the best way to create a cool, refreshing atmosphere. This will be a wise investment and will have a direct impact on the productivity levels of you and your employees.

In order to get the most out of your system you will first need to establish what type of unit is best for your particular needs. You will need to consider what each room is used for in your building, how large the room or area is, where the outdoor unit can be situated and whether or not you will require a pump or if you could use a gravity drain to run away the condensation. You will then need to decide if you want a single split (fixed systems from one outdoor unit) or a multi split (multiple indoor units from one outdoor unit).

Different Types of Air Conditioning Units

Once you have decided on all of this, you can begin to look at the different system types. The best suppliers, including places like Pure Air Conditioning and a few others, will carry a range of types and brands. This may include ducted units, which are completely concealed above a ceiling with ductwork used to carry the air to the diffusers. There are also cassette units which can be used in a space with a false or suspended ceiling, and these look can look great, as they fit flush into the false ceiling. Wall mounted units can be mounted at any height on the wall instead of the ceiling, and finally there are floor units for when there is no suitable ceiling or wall space.

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Different air conditioning units will have different features and capabilities. So, when you get your system from a reputable supplier you can rest assured that it will keep the entire area cool. This will create a comfortable working environment which allows your employees to be happy and productive.


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