Last Updated on Feb 28, 2020 by James W

Understanding Local SEO Strategies

There is a uniqueness to local SEO strategies that work for small businesses that could not be as successful for a large domestic or international business. There is a kind of regionalism to that coordinates so well with areas like Tampa, Florida, for example.

Consumers in Tampa are attracted to known strategies because the structure is formatted to favor the lifestyles and needs of residents of this region. It is important to understand the basic concepts of Search Engine Optimization as it is formally referred to by those experienced in the creation, such as a Tampa SEO firm. SEO is considered one of today’s most useful marketing and sales tools due to its impact on online consumer buyers, business visibility, browser ranking and business brand.

Local Strategies that Work Best for Small Businesses

There are several local strategies that work best for small businesses that business owners should consider. These include:

  • Correlate business name with goods and/or services in SEO advertising and promotions
  • Choose social media linked to local media sources
  • Quality local blog content marketing
  • Assemble a core group of local customers to attract and increase website and blog traffic
  • Expand the reach of SEO ads to include links and backlinks with host vendors and suppliers of goods and/or services
  • Customer reviews and referrals

Correlate Business Name with Goods and/or Services in SEO Ads and Promotions

Website design plays a large role in the success of online sales and marketing. Built into local small business website design are keywords most recognizable locally. For instance, work some of Tampa’s landmarks and sights that attract local consumer traffic such as a museum, zoo or historical center into the content.

Example: A small Tampa real estate business might use the size of the Tampa Bay History Center at 60,000-square-foot and its waterfront museum location as part of SEO strategy to increase website traffic.

Choose Social Media Linked to Local Media Sources

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There are several major social media sources like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest that are useful for small businesses. However, it is also beneficial to choose social media sites that offer small businesses the opportunity to link their business website with local media sources such as the Tampa purchasing department that posts business listings.

Tampa Mayor Jane Castor announced that Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn will be available to Tampa’s local business owners through Tampa’s purchasing department. Ref:

Quality Local Blog Content Marketing

Every town has a website created in individual neighborhoods. In most states, these are called “Nextdoor” or they may be listed as a travel site to encourage visitors to a tourist area like Tampa, for example,

The local SEO strategy that works for small businesses is to get in on the ground floor as a frequent provider of quality content marketing useful to consumers of the city. Your content marketing strategy can include videos, info graphics or guides that accompany informative marketing content.

Assemble a Core Group of Local Customers to Attract and Increase Website and Blog Traffic

One of the more difficult local strategies requires a bit more time, effort and cultivating. It is assembling a core group of local customers who will help attract and increase website and blog traffic. Locally, the use of the proper keywords should have sufficient impact to elicit a strong response from website visitors.

For this particular strategy it may be advantageous to consider the assistance of a professional Tampa SEO Firm with experience and knowledge of Tampa consumers and their buying habits. 

Search engine optimization is most useful when it generates optimal consumer response and helps your website gain higher browser ranking.

Your agengy will provide tracking, monitoring and local social media reviews of the success of your business browser ranking. Ideally, a comprehensive local media marketing plan that highlights your business name in keyword and keyword strings for content should result in higher user click rates and an increase in website traffic.

Expand the Reach of SEO Ads

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When local SEO strategies expand the reach of your advertising to include links and backlinks with host vendors and suppliers of goods and/or services, your business is ensured of broad business promotional coverage.

Choose host vendors and suppliers of your goods and/or services carefully. They should be your most reliable providers of your business goods and/or service who agree to allow you to link to their website.  The digital marketing professionals you choose for your consultants assist with creating links and backlinks to your vendors and suppliers sites. This is a good way to expand the reach of your ads.

Customer Reviews and Referrals

A professional agency will also assist with collecting customer reviews and referrals for your website’s interactive blog. By referring back to the core group of local consumers for customer reviews and referrals, this is a two pronged leverage that pays off in greater interest in your local business as well as your business offerings.

Be aware that before most local consumers make in-store purchases, they are likely to seek out reviews by other consumers in the Tampa area. Thus, reviews play an integral role in local marketing and sales.

The other advantage of reviews is the ripple effect of customer referrals. If your goods and/or services merit a positive blog review, it is almost certain your business name will be more deeply embedded into the local small business community.


More Than Just Keywords

Local SEO strategies that work for small businesses are more than just keywords, LSI or Google Adwords. Much of these strategies come from the depths of the business owner’s personal initiative to be more dominant in the Tampa business markets and business community. Brick and mortar marketing and sales is an extension of SEO strategies. Similarly, email marketing is an ambitious vehicle that clones keywords in email content.

Taking SEO Strategies to the Public

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New businesses often omit the important factor of taking part in Tampa’s numerous community activities just as new business owners often forget that part of any business plan is ensuring there is also a plan for networking with the business community.

Whenever there are special celebrations city-wide or an annual church bazaar or fair, these events offer a chance for small businesses in Tampa to make their presence known. Some of these organizations include:

  • Tampa Hillsborough Economic Development Corp
  • BNI – The World’s Leading Business Networking and Referral Organization
  • The Tampa Chapter of the Chamber of Commerce

Taking part in charity organization events is one way to attract traffic to your business and website. There are other non-profit organizations within Tampa such as the Non-Profit Leadership Center, Dress for Success of Tampa Bay and Community Foundation of Tampa.

Business visibility is a significant part of local SEO strategies. The more prominent keyword use is for the business name in website content, the more assurance the business owner receives of a greater return on their investment of a trained, professional digital marketing firm. In conclusion, solid local strategies implemented at the start of a new business evolves as business needs evolve and create a systematic, cost-effective methodology. 


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