Last Updated on Feb 18, 2020 by James W

If long gone, ancient civilization of Maya and their calendar are right, we’re about to witness the end of the days on 21st of December 2012.
Doomsday is near and you still didn’t made any money, that needs to be changed, and I’m here to help you.

All jokes and myths on side, it’s all up to you to believe or not believe in this type of stories, but this post is not about end of the world. It’s about the best and fastest ways to make money like doomsday is behind your back and is about to catch you.

We all witnessed stories about doomsday in the past, still here we are, writing and reading online while making our money. What would you do if you certainly knew the exact date when whole human civilization is about to disappear. You certainly  wouldn’t stay at home in hope to make any money, instead you would enjoy your life, took every opportunity that comes ahead, love your family and friends even more.

Then why aren’t you doing that right now? Instead of sole purpose of making money, take every opportunity ahead and use your talents. If you’re  good at art, why are you still trying to figure out your best paintings or sculptures?

Just Sell It!

You heard me well, if you made anything from painting, clothes, robots, software, toys, medical cure, information, don’t wait anymore,just sell it.
Don’t wait any minute longer, contact your friends, family members, go online and contact the whole world and you will make money by selling something.

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Maybe you still don’t know what to sell but you’ll figure it out, if you don’t have something of your own to sell. Look for other people’s products and if you think that it’s great and can help the community, join the team and sell it for commission. You will still make a fortune, and you will enjoy a bit before doomsday.

Look What’s Popular and in Demand

If it’s popular to sell your staff on Ebay, then sell it there,  don’t think just join the website and sell anything for profit. Go to your store and look for discounts, then use those prices and increase them a bit to make a profit by selling them on ebay.

For example, now are popular Olympic Games in London, and there are thousands of people who are looking to stay over in hotel, or just any place where it’s safe and they can sleep over. And then you step in, you live in London and you have a spare room or apartment to rent, go over to AirBnb and rent your place for money, I bet that you will make tons of cash because that’s in demand right now.

john cusack making money before doomsday

Make Money With a Blog

No, this will never get too old to say, get a blog, write some content related to what you have to say, or Sell, and you will get the customers.
Until you start making real money from selling your services, contact people that could benefit from advertising with you, sell them banner space. It can be just extra revenue to buy you some time until you finish your product, or start generating money from your online services.

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5 Ways to Get Profitable Title Ideas

You can sell your product on huge online marketplaces like CJ or Clickbank, create your product and head over there in order to upload it and sell it to the masses. This all can be achieved just by starting a blog, but don’t expect to make money just from blogging, sure you will make money but not enough to live off.Comparing to what you can make for example doing some SEO work or writing reviews.

Leverage the Internet

For example, let me tell you a story about close friend of mine, that made thousands of dollars online and is till probably making. He contacted me to help him to design his page for selling online traffic, and to optimize it for search engines. How he did it? He found incredible source of cheap traffic on some website, and then made his own one page website, where he offered that same traffic but for higher price. Because he is good marketer, his website became popular and he was basically selling traffic from the other source. This is the good use of leverage on the Internet, just think little bit outside the box.

With all the tools that are made and are going to be made in the future, making money online will become just more easier and faster. You can use these tactics wherever you want on the web, opportunities are endless.


Founder and chief editor of Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Tech and SEO geek. Started this blog in 2011 to help others learn how to work from home, make money online or anything related to business and finances. You can contact me at