Last Updated on Jan 27, 2022 by James W

A home office is a fine thing in the modern day. Perhaps it wa a nuisance in the days of dial-up internet, but in the times of superfast home connectivity, the entire world is opened to us via the use of a few clicks here and there. This can be intrinsically motivational, and for many reasons. Not only do you have the potential of learning from more resources than you ever could have in the local library, but the potential for making money online is seriously vast.

You just need to know how to look in the right places:

Blogging & SEO

If you’re able to, blogging your thoughts can help you begin to monetize your skills and understanding in ways that might actually help others. You needn’t be the best writer to blog, but offering insightful content and helping others with your experience can often generate an audience you might not be expecting. With the use of purpose written SEO content to raise your search rankings, or the use of affiliate marketing (or both,) you can reach people you may not have thought possible.

This might help you begin to write to review products, give you access to many different new environments, help raise your business profile, or simply help you earn through subtle affiliate marketing. Blogging is not dead, contrary to some opinion. There has never been a better time to monetize your niche insights and to potentially help people in the process.

Freelance Work

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Freelance work can help you not only begin building your professional portfolio, but connect you to businesses and professionals that you may not have otherwise. Even big businesses find the need to outsource occasionally, and with the prevalence of the internet’s reach, you might just find that developing your reputation is boosted in scope and scale by simply putting yourself out there and being consistent. There are many avenues for this, from conducting work for companies, streaming your skillset on Twitch, developing your own YouTube guides, pitching for freelance work and connecting yourself to online freelance houses, the opportunities could be endless for someone with your skillset.


While it may not be an immediate method of making money, sometimes boosting your educational prowess and qualification listings is helped famously by looking at online universities. For example, you could study an advanced MSW degree, get started with nursing, or begin pushing your way into almost any competent and specialized field simply by seeing what’s offered online and going for it.

Be sure to engage fully with this process, as often online education and further reading can lead you to directing your own placement opportunities, could help you sustain and grow your personal business on the side, or generally help you with employment prospects the year round. Online degrees can be an excellent option for those who may not have gained access to a course and had given up, or those who maybe spent more time finishing their previous qualification than most.

With these simple tips, the path to becoming a better person and earning more may be at the touch of your mouse and keyboard.

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Founder and chief editor of Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Tech and SEO geek. Started this blog in 2011 to help others learn how to work from home, make money online or anything related to business and finances. You can contact me at