Last Updated on Mar 11, 2020 by James W


Entrepreneurs and managers of most small businesses know a great deal more about operating a business than the ins and outs of water heaters and lighting systems. Though, you do know that you prefer to save money rather than spend it, it is likely that you aren’t up to date with the latest business energy solutions.

It is crucial for every business owner to remain educated on ways to boost their bottom line. The fact of the matter is that cutting energy costs is a major component to adding to your company’s revenues. With this comprehensive list of tips and strategies, you and your business can profit exponentially.

Energy Management

Proper management of your use of energy when it comes to your business allows you to be more inclined toward profits. This makes energy efficiency a savvy business endeavor. While spending less of your company’s funds, you can help the environment.

Here are some of the direct advantages of going green:

  • Better productivity among employees due to improved comfort levels
  • Reduction in operations and expenses from general maintenance
  • Security from the inflation of energy costs
  • Increase in profits from customers or clients due to enhanced comfort and satisfaction
  • Better look to products which could potentially boost sales
  • Increase in your facility’s overall value
  • Improved business image as an environmentally conscientious leader within the community which could set you apart from competitors

Energy and Technology

With green technologies advancing significantly each and every day, upgrades are now able to decrease the use of energy by up to 30 percent. Some of the areas of business in which the most opportunity are:

  • Equipment
  • Lighting
  • Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) equipment and maintenance
  • Hot Water
  • Refrigeration
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For many entrepreneurs and business owners, the idea of these upgrades can bring on a great deal of financial concern. However, there are many low cost or even free solutions to going green with your business. With do it yourself jobs and elementary maintenance tasks, this can be achieved quite easily.


When it comes to the tasks that are more complex, there are numerous financial resources offered to business owners and professionals just like you. Despite the initial costs, every professional should also research and assess their potential return on the investment and the time it will take to arrive there.

One of the easiest methods to do this is by utilizing the simple pay back tool. It largely consists of the number of years if will take to recover the cost of your green upgrades from the costs that were avoided.

Calculating simple payback requires for the division of the installment costs of the upgrades by the annual energy savings. Your end result will portray the period in which you will receive your return in years. Virtually any project that returns within 18 months should be applied right away.

Additionally, any simple paybacks that can be achieved in less than four years are an investment well worth your time.


In regards to those tasks that you simply cannot tackle with the assistance of your staff, utilize the resources that are available to business owners such as yourself for proper support.

  • Advance your business energy solutions with services offered by local utility companies and your local government agencies. There is an abundance of utility companies that offer free commercial energy audits. These will assist you in the discovery of where your business may better conserve.
  • Discuss the issues with a trusted contractor. You can feel free to ask your regular technician for any tips on just how to decrease your use of energy and costs of maintenances during a scheduled visit much like a free audit.
  • Utilize your area’s small business development firm. To get more information on financial assistance for energy conservation, contact your local business development center.
  • Receive the benefits offered from the Department of Energy’s Rebuild America initiative. It is a network of partnerships throughout communities that save money for small businesses through effective conservation of energy.
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With so many varying organizations committed to energy conservation, there are plenty of opportunities for you and your company to find the resources necessary to go green. Energy efficiency can subsequently pay for your business.

Do your research and seek out the local organizations and government agencies. Virtually all of them are now providing businesses with opportunities like never before to save money from increasing their energy efficiency.

This benefits both your business and the environment. These upgrades and maintenance measures can potentially allow you to profit substantially by raising your revenues. Try the simple payback process today.

This will allow you to calculate your return. So get started going green and add revenues to your business through energy conservation today.


Founder and chief editor of Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Tech and SEO geek. Started this blog in 2011 to help others learn how to work from home, make money online or anything related to business and finances. You can contact me at