Last Updated on Mar 12, 2020 by James W

Steve jobs- leader, motivator, entrepreneur, innovator! There is no word that could describe this amazing man. He taught us so many things and even if I didn’t follow him his whole career, he taught me so many things. He was not a great developer. Not even close and many people even say that he didn’t know to write a single line of code. He was not a good engineer too and he didn’t even had a college degree.

He was also a very bad manager, of course in a conventional sense. But all he was is a good marketer and a good thinker. A great man, Guy Kawasaki, once told: ‘‘Steve Jobs is the best marketer in the world”. 

Great marketers are great leaders. I will be presenting you 3 marketing lessons Steve Jobs taught us:

1. Find a mentor

Steve Jobs was an exceptional man. He was brilliant, a genius. That didn’t mean he couldn’t had a mentor.

No matter how great you are, there are always people from whom you could learn plenty of new stuff. In his life, he had lot of mentors and some of the most important ones are Regis McKenna which helped Steve make his first steps in building one of the biggest companies in the world. Another Steve’s mentor is Lee Clow who created famous Apple commercial and one of the most amazing campaigns- Think Different.

2. Create awesome products

No matter how good marketer you are, if you are promoting crappy product, you are never going to reach success. Because, useless products will always be useless, even if you have an option to present it to millions of people. That is the reason why Jobs focused on creating great products that will help the community in many ways. He knew what people needed starting from Mac to iPad.

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3. Stand for something and stick to it! 

When the Apple Computer Company was constructed back in 1977, there were rules that were set up by Jobs along with Markkula . There were 3 rules that everyone needed to follow. First, Apple needed to empathize with the customers. Second, Apple needed to focus only on creating valuable stuff that helps the community. Third, Apple needed to focus on simplicity+high quality. All of the Apple devices were designed in that matter.

But what was the true secret to Steve Jobs success? We all have different opinion and I believe that his formula was really simple. Work hard, use all of the time you have in the right direction.



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