Last Updated on Mar 27, 2020 by James W


When ruling an online business, having a marketing strategy is the key start. Believe it or not, people need to see your products and services being advertise, because nowadays, is the product that goes to the client, not the other way around. The brand is the one who gains a lot of money, there is no secret anymore. It is quite difficult to build a name in the online industry, yet things are in your favor if you know how to do it. These being said, in case you are looking forward to knowing more concerning the subject, make sure to stick with us and keep an eye onto the following lines to get a better image over one of the best marketing strategy to take up, based on the social statistics!


  1. 20 Minutes Per Visit on Facebook

The average user does not stay more than 20 minutes on a Facebook page. Of course, your products or services might be simply ravishing, yet there are hundreds if not thousands of similar products to compare them with. In this case, if you wish to make the visit longer, come up with something new, something innovative that will blow their minds!


  1. Pinterests Accounts 40% for Social Media driven Purchases

Does this ring a bell? I am sure this would do, at least for me. Social media accounts are a great source of driven purchases, especially Pinterest, which is expected to make as much as 40% out of them. This number is huge, taking into account that by making an easy and useful calculation, you can definitely see the money coming!

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  1. 20% Of Every Google Search Has Not Been Looked For Ever Before

This information is a bliss for those who aim high – in case you want to open an online business, your brand can be easily set as a new name and it can be put into those 20% never used before. In addition, this idea is something that we call – an innovation – due to the fact that such an information is always welcoming. It means that more and more people are going online, reaching the international way of seeing and reaching the world. That is definitely something worth being taken into account! So, what are you still waiting for? Have you already made your way to enter those 20%? We are eager to find more!


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