Last Updated on Feb 18, 2020 by James W

Motivation to Make Money Online

Motivation is everything and it’s one of the most important things that helped many successful people to be just that.
And the lack of that same thing led many others to failure in life, business… everything they wanted but didn’t found the motivation for.

If you motivate yourself every day you will find the new strength, and your mind will be more focused.

Everyone finds motivation on different ways, but everyone looks for motivation from people and things around us.

For example, I like to read a lot, and If I feel tired and lost and the lack of motivation is there, it always helps me to read different types of motivational books.
Also I like to watch personal development videos and famous people that earned their money hard way  and have something to share with us and help us.

Where to Find Motivation?

The internet is the biggest source of information in video and audio form, if you want to find the best motivation videos that will help you to make money online, then it’s the youtube.

Making money and the quest of becoming rich and successful can be devastating for your mind and your body, motivation is the best drug that your own body can use without any side effects.

If you are trying to make money online for couple of years already but didn’t had any success and the right motivation then you need to watch couple of these great videos.

They are going to help you, it doesn’t need to be just your request to make money online, maybe you want to start your own offline business and have financial freedom for yourself and your family.

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You probably heard of Tony Robbins, he’s is an American self-help author and motivational speaker. I’ve never met him but I’m always more then happy to watch the new videos or e books he publishes on his life coaching website or youtube. His story of tough life, his father left the family, and growing up with his mother, and how he became famous and rich, just inspired me more to succeed online and to have dream lifestyle.

Here is the one video that I would like you to watch and see how it’s going to impact your emotions, motivate you and learn you life lessons.

He became well known through his infomercials and self-help books, Unlimited Power : The New Science Of Personal Achievement and Awaken the Giant Within, which I highly recommend.

After watching this video I’m sure that you’re motivated and ready to make your life better, maybe after this you will get back to your online business and start working from home and try to make money online. Or you will try your best to succeed in offline world, there’s no much difference, it’s just the word that makes these two worlds apart. Everything else is the same, the hard work, dream, and success, motivation is just one form of mental tool that will help you to reach your goals.

Now when we are talking about goals, the one man can motivate you and help you like you never imagined it’s possible. But unfortunately he’s no longer alive.
His name is Jim Rohn, he passed away in december of 2009, he was an American entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker.
But his videos and books are the ones that will carry on the tradition of helping the people in finding their goals in life.

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The most famous quote that I know about and that informed me about this great guy couple of years ago is:

“Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.??? and

“Let others lead small lives, but not you. Let others argue over small things, but not you. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you. Let others leave their future in someone else’s hands, but not you.??? 

He was just a small boy he grew up on a farm, He went to college for a year and a half before dropping out and joining the work force. At age 25, according to his accounts, he was working as a stock clerk for Sears collecting a weekly $57 paycheck. He wasn’t broke but struggling financially, unable to see a way that would lead to his personal ambitions, but long story short, after the period of six years, he became the millionaire at age 31, you can learn from his words a lot.

Rohn’s book Five Major Pieces to the Life Puzzle, published in 1991 was built around what he considered the five components of success:

  • Philosophy – how you think
  • Attitude – how you feel
  • Action – what you do
  • Results – measure often to see if you are making progress
  • Lifestyle – the kind of life you can make for yourself out of the first four pieces

Here is the video where you can watch this amazing guy speak and tells some of his experiences and learnings he got going through the life, that you can use to make money online or offline. And something you need to know about setting the goals in life and their purpose for better results.

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Don’t be lazy in learning, hope you will get motivated reading this article and these books, get the information and make money online or offline.

If you have any suggestions or ideas about best ways to motivate yourself and others, don’t hesitate to leave a comment.


Founder and chief editor of Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Tech and SEO geek. Started this blog in 2011 to help others learn how to work from home, make money online or anything related to business and finances. You can contact me at