Last Updated on Apr 8, 2020 by James W

If your moving day is getting closer and closer, you will need a plan of action (if you haven’t already got one!) By having a plan; you will be able to break all the daunting tasks up into sections, crossing them off one by one as you go. This will also give you the ability to prioritize the jobs in order of urgency – what needs to be done first, and what can wait. Being able to visually see what needs doing will give your mind order, as a pose to your brain being filled up with a variety of different ‘things to do’. You won’t have to rely on your memory either, as you will have everything written down (or typed up) right in front of you.

– Here are some examples of how you can categorize your tasks.


A very important job to do is declutter your place. You don’t want to drag all of your useless items around with you to your new home. Sort everything into three different categories: keep, throw, and give away (for free or to sell). Once you have a basic idea of what you want to do with your things, the quicker you can sort everything out.


Remember that when you move house, you will have to cancel your contract for the different utilities you use. This includes things like your phone and internet service provider, along with any other subscriptions you have.

Moving for work

If you are moving because of your job, like changing your office location, then hire in some office movers that are trained to handle the unique needs of moving a business. Your employer will most likely cover the fees for this – unless you’re already the boss, then it will be down to you to put everything in place.

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If you’re moving quite far, you will want to let all your services know that you won’t be there anymore. This means things like the doctors, dentists, vets and anything else of importance. You will also need to find new places to go to, so do some research about the area you’re moving to, have a visit, and see if you like them.


Moving can be a very stressful time, so communication is very important, especially with your family. Whether they are moving with you, or just helping you, everyone should be made aware of the plan so that you can all work together to make things easier. If you have children, it’s very important to make them feel included otherwise they may end up rebelling – which makes everything twice as difficult.

So as you can see, by breaking up all the different tasks into simple categories that you understand, it will be much easier to get every job done. Remember that although moving can be very stressful and time-consuming at times, and you may want to pull your hair out! – It can also be a very exciting experience. Think of it this way – you’re about to start a brand new chapter to your story – and you get to write it yourself.

Image source: Max Pixel


Founder and chief editor of Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Tech and SEO geek. Started this blog in 2011 to help others learn how to work from home, make money online or anything related to business and finances. You can contact me at