Last Updated on Mar 13, 2020 by James W


Have you been to a conference? Good. Did you take notes? Very good. What notes are they about, could you please give a brief explanation of the subjects debated? If you have used a laptop, the chances for this success are slowly decreasing – and we’ll tell you why, in a bit. Thus, make sure to stick with us and keep an eye onto the following lines to see why next time it is better to take notes by hand, even though you have already done that! A good reason for this would increase your motivation to do the same thing in the future, so let’s get it started!


A laptop is a use of Energy and a Source for Procrastination

When you are at a conference, things are all clear – you would definitely enter the boredom zone sooner or later, since you need to stay fix. In this case, when you have a laptop in front of you, Facebook or other social networks are just turning into your best friends – the ones to understand you and help you get rid of boredom… right? Well, how about using a pen and a paper next time, and maybe let the laptop at home? Let alone the need of energy it requires just to go through the presentation.


Get your hands on the Shorthand writing

When you are at a conference and try to get notes, time is crucial. You can’t always write every word one says, reason why some measures are here needed to be taken. And by that, we mean getting the shorthand into your fingers, chaning the long phrases into short ones that are just perfect for you to remember what the subject is about. You can easily turn „with??? into „w/??? and so on, so forth. By this way, not only are you able to save time, effort but also use your hands for making the writing faster – which wouldn’t ever be faster than the one applied to laptops.

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Either way your choice, notes by hand will always be better, just in time for you and always materially there. In addition, even though we have the Nordic States which don’t share our oppinion – thus, they have decided to get rid of the caligraphy by hand because they have perceived it as useless. Now, it’s your choice. What would it be like?


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