Last Updated on Mar 5, 2020 by James W


Last time when I mentioned RankSeller, I told you how to earn money with blog and RankSeller. It’s a great website and it has a lot of potential, both for advertisers and bloggers and website owners.

What is RankSeller and How Does it Work?

If you have a blog or website and you have a lot of visitors, followers and you know that your audience is interested in one particular topic then this post is for you.

Once you have the traffic and established blog, all you need is RankSeller, they will connect you with advertisers and you will get campaigns that are perfect fir to write about on your blog.

Once the post is published you will get paid, what I like about this website are advertisers, they can provide you with all the details. Like link format, content description and what do they expect from you.

You only need to follow the instructions and once the post is published, you earn money. Payments are made weekly by paypal.

Now, since this is my honest review, there are some things that I don’t like, like the options on our blogs. For example if you set up that you accept dofollow links and not nofollow and vice versa you cannot bid on the campaign even if the campaign is the perfect fit for your niche.

I think that this needs more work and faster payments, weekly payments are ok, but it would be even more better if we could get our payments after day or two.

Read more
3 Easy Ways to Write For Money on the Internet

How RankSeller Looks?

Here is how Campaigns look like:

rankseller campaigns


They take a piece of your payments of course, it’s  30%, and it’s pretty fare, since most of other websites like sponsoredreviews take 50%. Every campaign has it’s time frame while the offer will be available and you need to keep your eyes on that. Always offer something extra to advertisers so that you can have a winning bid, something like social media promotion or extra links in the post etc…

Here are some payments proofs:

Orders  publisher  (2)



On the other side, if you’re and advertiser or you just want to promote something, RankSeller is one of the fastest growing companies for that. It has a huge list of great bloggers and websites to promote your product or service on.

There you go, if you have any more questions regarding RankSeller, drop me a comment and I will do my best to help you.

Thanks for reading.





Founder and chief editor of Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Tech and SEO geek. Started this blog in 2011 to help others learn how to work from home, make money online or anything related to business and finances. You can contact me at