Last Updated on Feb 25, 2020 by James W

With the cost of living going through the roof everywhere and workers facing pay-freezes, or cuts to their compensation, it’s easy to feel like the world is against you. The current global financial crisis is not a reason to stop enjoying yourself.

Don’t Buy Popcorn

A trip to the cinema to see Ridley Scott’s latest offering can cost a small fortune once you’ve paid for priority-gold-star-waitress-service-with-extra-comfy-cushioned seats, your tacos, your popcorn, your ice-cream, your cola and a bag of peanut M&M’s. The best solution to cutting the cost of seeing a blockbuster is to just cut out the junk food and just pay for a ticket. If you find it really tough, eat before you go to the movies. And you still can’t handle the thought, buy your M&M’s at the cheap shop down the road and smuggle them in.

Sign Up for Vouchers and Deals

Most companies offer deals in order to keep you coming back for more, which is great of you want to enjoy yourself without blowing your budget. All they ask in return is your contact details, for example an email address. Restaurant chains are one of the best places to get 2for1 vouchers, while some stores offer points cards that can be redeemed against their products at a later date.

It’s worthwhile signing up if you’re a regular customer because you will at some point get more than you are paying for. Yes, email addresses sometimes are sold on. If you’re worried about it, set up a separate hotmail, or Gmail address dedicated to acquiring free offers.

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Visit Free Exhibits

Most cities have something happening in their events calendar that doesn’t have an entrance fee attached. And it isn’t just the rubbish you wouldn’t want to see anyway. Last yearBerlinhad a number of city-wide exhibitions to commemorate the division of East andWest Berlinin 1961. This included exhibits about the wall itself, but also free exhibits about the East German secret police, the Stasi.  All fascinating and all free.

BirminghamMuseumandArtGalleryis a major stop-off for exhibitions touring the world. The vast majority of the exhibitions they host are offered for free. Take a look at what’s available where you live, you might be surprised at the offerings.

Go to the Library

If you like book shops (I certainly do), then the free equivalent is the library. And it’s not just for reading these days; you can take out video games, comics and DVD’s. It’s also a place to discover some hard-to-find books that might have been deleted from the catalogues of the big chain book stores.

Second hand book shops are also a great place to save money on the dusty leather-bound gems that have gone out of print.

Visit the Countryside

There’s nothing more relaxing than walking in green fields, so long as you’re not up to your ears in mud, or running from an enraged bull. Spending time in green spaces lowers your heart-rate and relaxes the mind, which is especially good if you work from home. It’s a good place to come if you want to forget about the pressures of modern living. The different seasons offer their own splendour and breathing in some clean air will revitalise you ready for your next challenge.

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Author Bio:

Sally Shaws is a freelance writer and blogger. She frequently blogs about frugal living, ways to make money online and creating a work from income. She is currently looking at the process of volunteering for paid clinical trials at sites like and joining a drug trials panel as a means to boost finances.


Founder and chief editor of Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Tech and SEO geek. Started this blog in 2011 to help others learn how to work from home, make money online or anything related to business and finances. You can contact me at