Last Updated on Apr 17, 2020 by James W
Have you ever wanted your daily schedule to be able to fit all of your to-do lists? Would you like to make sure that you are able to put everything into practice, yet it seems like a real nightmare? Well, believe it or not, you are at the right time and at the right place to find more. Nowadays, more and more of us have to deal with a lot of stress which is ought to decrease the level of productivity. Still, as time goes by, we tend to learn how to manage this problem – yet it takes time and knowledge to work it out. These being said, in case you are looking forward to knowing more concerning the subject, make sure to stick with us and keep an eye onto the following lines in order to discover the art of planning the daily schedule to fit everything!
- Create a List with Everything
Now, in order to make a great setting up every now and then, it is imperative to know what your ingredients are. This means that you have a general view over everything that happens and that, as a consequence, the result is ought to be the one expected. Moreover, when you are doing your best to meet all your promises, it is imperative to note them down – which means that you have to gather everything and assure yourself of the fact that everything is in the right place. In addition, remember that every once in a while, it is a great idea to make sure that planning is one of the most important aspect to take into account from very beginning. What is more, a list can help you never miss a thing you have to do.
- Mark the Hours
Sometimes, when we are trying to put down the number of stuff that we are ought to take up, the best thing would be to mark the hours. Now, to do that, think of how long a certain activity takes you to finish in general. In here, make sure that your estimation is close to a real one, due to the fact that we tend to be subjects of overoptimism bias – and for sure this is not something that we should interfere with. Thus, while trying to keep us aside as much as possible from the overoptimism bias, it is imperative for you to mark the hours as a response to what you usually do on a daily basis. For instance, think of putting down a set of hours that you are mostly in the known of – 08.00 for starting your daily tasks, 10.00 for breakfast, 12.00 for weekly meetings and so on, so forth.
- Prioritise
Have you ever thought of prioritising your life? If you are wondering how this can be possible, you will be amazed to learn that the process is really easy – and this starts with the fact that prioritisation starts with prioritising your stuff. When it comes to the daily tasks, they need to be set up quite easily and fast, since you might want to fulfill all of them. Now, this is the main problem we tend to take up over and over agian. Trying to fill everything in is not the best attitude, due to the fact that we have no clones to get it going. Instead, a smart and healthy choice would be to prioritise your stuff. The more you do this, the better. Believe it or not, you do not have to do 10 things each day – if you decide to get rid of 5 of them, the other 5 will definitely help you achieve them at the highest level. Thus, bear in mind that less is more nowadays.
- Tick Off As Soon As You Achieved
Yet again, the idea of reward is used in here as well. A list of stuff that you have to fulfill implies a lot of work, dedication and also some motivation to help you get things going. Believe it or not, this is not at all hard in here – you can motivate yourself better with each aspect that you write down and fulfill it, so that you can tick it off from the list. Thus, the faster you do this, the better, since most of us are programmed in such a way to be rewarded after we do something that is pretty exhausting. Having this idea into our minds, we are one step closer to planning in the best way our daily schedule, with aspects to be used in each step that we take. These being said, what are you still waiting for? Have you already managed to master the art of planning the daily schedule in order to fit everything that you have to fulfill before the dawn?