Last Updated on Apr 8, 2020 by James W

We are living in uncertain times, so nobody is immune from a financial crisis. Whether it’s the threat of redundancy or the trappings of debt, we can all find ourselves with a dent in our bank balance and a rocky financial future ahead. If you are facing a financial disaster, or are worrying about the future, consider the following pieces of advice.

  1. Get to grips with what went wrong

Your financial situation may be your fault. You may have landed yourself with too many debts, or made a bad investment or business decision. On the other hand, something may have happened to you, such as a family crisis, or a medical situation that was beyond your control. Whatever happened, know why your finances are in a mess and resolve to sort out the situation.

  1. Begin to move forwards

If you have made a mistake, get to the bottom of it and look for ways to avoid that situation again. If your financial mess is not of your doing, you may be eligible for compensation, such as help with personal injury. It will take time to dig yourself out of the hole you are in, but wallowing in self-pity and despair is not going to help you. Take the necessary steps you need to move forward.

  1. Control your expenses

Life goes on, and unfortunately, so do the daily expenses you have to cover. Still, there are ways to manage them. For starters, make a list of the people you owe money to, and prioritize your payments. Deal with the basics first, such as your utility bills, and if you can’t afford to pay one of them, let the company know. Quite often, you will be offered a payment plan to make your life easier. Then deal with your debts, such as credit card bills and loan payments. Your best bet may be to consolidate them, but seek advice from a charitable debt company as to the best course of action.

  1. Look for additional income
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The worst thing you can do is get into further financial difficulty, such as taking out another loan or squandering the money you do have. Therefore, look for ways to add to your income rather than reduce it further. If you are no longer employed, find out what benefits you are entitled to. Then look for money making opportunities. Selling stuff you no longer need is one way, as is looking for extra work, taking online surveys, and offering your services to others, such as pet sitting or child minding.

  1. Consider the future

When you finally begin to get yourself on an even financial footing, put in place a strategy for the future. As we have already said, this may include learning from any mistakes you may have made. Then start to budget your life, putting your money to better use instead of wasting it. Begin a savings fund at your local bank, giving you a fallback if you do get into difficulty again. Speak to those who can help you, such as a financial planner, and benefit from advice given. Look for insurance too, protecting you from a range of expected and unexpected disasters. Hopefully, you won’t get into the same position again, but planning for the future will cover your back.


When you’re in the midst of a financial crisis, it can seem as if there is no way out. However, we hope this article has taught you otherwise. Help is available to you, and you can get out of whatever financial hole you have fallen into. It may take time, but it is possible, eventually.

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Founder and chief editor of Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Tech and SEO geek. Started this blog in 2011 to help others learn how to work from home, make money online or anything related to business and finances. You can contact me at