Last Updated on Mar 6, 2020 by James W
Even after your create your website using the Webeden website builder, you’re not done yet. You have to promote it and make sure that people come back to it, making your business profitable and an overall success.
SEO techniques
Some of the techniques you need to use must be applied even when you are developing the website. This primarily targets website metadata, as well as optimizing your website to perform well for certain keywords. Additionally, there are a lot more SEO techniques that you can use in order to get higher in the search engine rankings, and these include writing interesting, search engine friendly content, submitting articles and even creating links to you on other sites. All of these combined will give you a larger exposure and get you higher in the search engine ranks, thus gaining a lot more potential customers for your business.
Best Hosting
Another thing you must keep an eye on is hosting, since all websites must be hosted on a dedicated web server. While Webeden gives you free hosting, no matter the package you choose, other websites require you to pay for hosting. When choosing your hosting you must ensure that you get 100% uptime or as close to that number as possible, thus allowing your customers to visit your website at any hour of day or night.
Website Content
Of course, website content is also crucial for any online business, so you must try and have professionally written content on your site, even if your business is small. The overall tone will tell the customer how serious you are about your job and how much trust they can place in you. It doesn’t have that much importance how many pages your website has, as long as they include great content and inform your client about you, your business, your goals and even your promotions.
From what you can see, there are a lots of important issues that must be addressed when starting up a website. Webeden tries to help you in this regard by removing all the hassle created by the development process and allowing you access to interesting bonuses like mailboxes, shops, adverts and even subdomains. These make your website look a lot better, while also providing increased functionality. A shop is very useful on your site if you want to sell product or services, so you should try and integrate it at all costs, if you want.
Your website can also be a recruiting tool, allowing you to post job offers online, which may prove a much better and cheaper idea, when compared to a newspaper ad. And, with the addition of a contact form, you can even be contacted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by any customer, making it very easy to see what your customers have to say about your website and services at any given time.
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